Positive Birth Stories
Read real, positive birth stories from our community. From inductions, C-sections, twin births, vbac, homebirths, water birth, elective c-sections, second time mum births and more there’s hundred’s of birth stories for you to read. Looking for a particular kind of birth story? You can use our search bar or filter below to find it. If you would like to submit your own birth story, please do so here.
Birth type
- Birth Centre
- Group B Strep
- Home Birth
- Second Time Mum
- breech
- fifth time mum
- first time mum
- fourth time mum
- gentle cesarean
- gestational diabetes
- home birth
- hospital birth
- induction
- midwife led unit
- natural twin birth
- obstetric cholestasis
- planned cesarean
- pre-eclampsia
- second time mum
- third time mum
- twin pregnancy
- unplanned cesarean
- vaginal birth
- water birth
Laura’s Positive HBAC - Homebirth After Caesarean At 42 Weeks
Laura used the hypnobirthing she learned to have a positive home birth after a previous unplanned caesarean. Laura was 42 weeks & active labour was 4.5 hours!
Birth story - Niloofar’s 60 Hour Labour In Denmark
Niloofar is a first time Mum who gave birth in a hospital in Denmark. She used the B.R.A.I.N framework to make decisions on medical intervention, including having her waters broken.
Birth story - Veronika and twin boys
Veronika laboured for nearly 24 hours and had a birth free of any medical intervention (besides an induction). She delivered her twin babies vaginally.
Shirin’s 9 Day Labour Positive Birth Story
My labour started on 20th December and my baby was born on 29th December -9 full days of powerful surges.
Birth story - Jess and baby Jamie
Jess is a second time mum who was induced in hospital at 39 weeks + 1 day, following PROM at 38 weeks. She says, ‘Once again this birth was not as I had ‘planned’ but being educated through the PBC course helped me to stay in control and feel empowered.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Kirst and baby boy
Kirst is a first time mum who had a cesarean, in Australia, at 41 weeks + 3 days. She was able to use BRAIN to make decisions and says, ‘I had an amazing birth, wasn’t quite to plan but I couldn’t have more positive memories of the experience.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Mum and baby Girl
This third time mum had a water birth in a midwife led unit at 41 weeks + 5 days. The attending midwife said she had never witnessed anyone truly breathe their baby out the way she did and this mum says, ‘birth is the most empowering experience!’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Chloe and baby Freddie
Chloe is a second time mum who had her baby at home at 42 weeks. Using BRAIN she planned a freebirth but she changed her mind during labour as it didn’t progress as she had hoped. Despite this, she describes the feeling immediately afterbirth as, ‘AMAZING. I felt like I was glowing from the inside out.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Darielle and baby Robin
Darielle is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 40 weeks + 3 days. She says, ‘the PBC course really helped to reduce my fear of labour and BRAIN also instilled into me that it’s okay to ask questions from midwives and doctors without it seeming rude.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Isis and baby Nina
Isis is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 39 weeks + 2 days. She laboured at home and was somewhat surprised with how fast baby came after arriving in hospital! Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Louise and baby girl
Louise is a second time mum who had a rather speedy home delivery at 39 weeks + 6 days. She had an unintentional free birth but still describes her birth as, ‘a wonderful experience.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Jessica and baby Aubrey
Jessica is a first time mum who had her baby in hospital at 40 weeks + 5 days. Her birth didn’t go as she had hoped but she is able to see the positives, including feeling, ‘empowered to make the right decision for [her] and [her] baby at a difficult time,’ with thanks to the hypnobirthing BRAIN tool. Read her positive births tory here,…
Birth story - Natasha and baby Penelope
Natasha is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 39 weeks + 6 days. She felt, ‘confident and in control,’ during labour with thanks to the hypnobirthing preparations she did and a positive mindset towards birth. Read her positive births tory here…
Birth story - Gail and baby Aria
Gail is a first time mum who had her baby at home, in a pool, at 40 weeks. She says, ‘Our birth was our ideal outcome and thanks to the PBC hypnobirthing course it gave us the tools to be able to achieve that.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Amy and baby Runa
Amy is a second time mum who had a home water birth at 41 weeks + 5 days. She managed to have the birth she had hoped for and says, ‘It really couldn't have gone much better!’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Mum and baby boy
This first time mum has written a poem about her planned cesarean at 42 weeks + 2 days. Despite not having the birth she had hoped for she could see it was the right decision for her and her baby as it kept them both safe. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Leanne and baby Charlie
Leanne is a second time mum who had an unintended free birth at home, at 41 weeks + 5 days. She completed the digital pack and, ‘read so many positive overdue and speedy birth stories, including lots of accidental free births, which helped [her] to remain calm and in control once [she'] realised [they] were going to be doing it alone.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Mum and baby girl
This first time mum had a water birth in hospital at 39 weeks + 2 days. She says, ‘The PBC course gave me the courage to advocate for my birth, and trust in my own body after so many years of doubt with our fertility struggles. We did it and you can too!’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Kriszti and baby Emma
Kriszti is a second time mum who had her baby at home at 40 weeks + 1 day. Her labour progressed quickly and caused her to panic but she says, ‘amidst all the panic, in the back of my mind I did have breathing techniques and birth stages memorised and they did help! What a great birth, and a story to tell 😊’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Jenni-Louise and baby Amelia
Jenni-Louise is first time mum who had her baby in hospital at 35 weeks + 6 days. During labour she was able to use BRAIN to make decisions and she says, ‘The fact we stuck to our guns and followed our instincts is what makes this still a positive birth to me.’ Read her positive birth story here…