Birth story - Jenni-Louise and baby Amelia

*Trigger warning* - contractions (not negative to me) instrumental birth including episiotomy, blood loss


Pretty straightforward pregnancy other than some major anxiety on my behalf where I was referred and under the Mental Health Midwife, but a couple of chats with her was enough. Had Glucose test at 26w due to slightly increased Bmi at conception but all clear though did have one growth scan as I “measured big” but baby girl was perfect. sonographer said I “measured big” due to my short stature and not to worry about it. Plan was to continue to work until 37+5 but Baby girl had other ideas.

Mild tightnings for a few weeks but nothing painful I would just notice my tummy being a little more solid every now and then.


I went to work as normal 35+3 got home at around 1730 made myself some food (husband was at work) went for a wee at around 1955 went to sit back on the sofa after this and as I sat down I thought I wet myself 2000hr, remembered that I had just been for a wee so this couldn’t be the case and that in fact this was my waters breaking, at first they just trickled a little.

I messaged my husband and told him I thought my waters had broken, he didn’t believe me told me to have a shower and go to bed. I called him and said I was going to call the Advice line as I truly believed it was my waters (at this point I had gone through 2 maternity pads)

They told me to head straight for labour ward triage to be assessed (at this point I knew I would be staying in and that my preferred birth wasn’t going to happen due to the prematurity of labour.

As I was getting ready to leave waters started gushing now I knew for sure that this baby had other ideas and she was coming early.

I called my best friend and asked her to meet me at the hospital as due to the unexpected time my husband couldn’t get away from work right away. Grabbed my bag (which wasn’t quite fully packed)

Got to hospital around 2145 - I was pacing back and forth a bit in shock at home when it first happened so all took a little time. On the 25 min drive to the hospital I started having some mild cramps which were coming pretty regularly when I got to the hospital.

Arrived on labour ward and at 2230 they confirmed my waters had gone, 2 cm dilated and that they would be keeping me in for 48hrs (at least) to see if labour progressed on its own. If I stopped having contractions they would send me home on antibiotics and bring be back at 37 weeks to be induced, having to visit the hospital for checks every other day.

I was moved to the antenatal ward at around midnight where I had to be alone due to the time. My contractions were sporadic the Freya App would flip between me being in established labour and then not as the contractions would ease. At 5am (35+4) contractions eased completely. My husband arrived at around 9am and as soon as I saw him the contractions started again, all that oxytocin and feeling relaxed and safe as he was by my side. This is when the decision was made that they were going to keep me in as they were getting stronger again and they moved me to labour ward as they didn’t want to risk a prem baby coming on the antenatal ward as apparently prem babies can come rather quick (not this one).

That evening contractions stopped again so decision was made that we would start the induction process, firstly was given the gel this didn’t progress much so at 3am on the Saturday (35+5) I was started on the drip. Thanks to PBC I was made aware of wireless CTG monitoring as I wanted to stay mobile so I asked for this and they got it for me and I stayed on my feet most of the time.

The drip really kicked started thoes contractions and they were getting very intense i used Gas and air and then pethidine. I was checked in the afternoon and was only 3cm dilated, I had been adamant that I didn’t want an epidural (and the midwives were amazed how long I went with out it) but by this point I hadn’t slept in over 48hours so I accepted the epidural.

2130 That evening the dr came in and suggested we should opt for a c-section

Afyer using my B.R.A.I.N and a long discussion with the dr and my husband we declined (they wanted it as baby “might” get distressed, she was perfectly happy in there no dips in HR etc. And also said my infection markers were rising when challenged on this they had only gone up a couple of points which can be normal in labour anyway)

They said it was “failure to progress” but I say I was just slow to progress each time I was checked there was a change just not enough of a change for their books..

without the PBC I think I would have just said yes to the section so thank you!

Eventually at 0430 I was fully dilated and they suggested to wait an hour before pushing, 0530 we started pushing but the contractions went to 1:10 they only wanted me pushing for an hour as she was prem so at an hour on the dot I was wheeled round to theatres and by 0659 by beautiful tiny baby Girl Amelia Hope entered the world!

I lost quite a lot of blood 1.5l but was ok.

Amelia was quite jaundice and did spend some time under the lights and 17hrs in NICU

Finally discharged home 4days old

The fact we stuck to our guns and followed our instincts is what makes this still a positive birth to me.


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