Positive Birth Stories
Read real, positive birth stories from our community. From inductions, C-sections, twin births, vbac, homebirths, water birth, elective c-sections, second time mum births and more there’s hundred’s of birth stories for you to read. Looking for a particular kind of birth story? You can use our search bar or filter below to find it. If you would like to submit your own birth story, please do so here.
Birth type
- Birth Centre
- Group B Strep
- Home Birth
- Second Time Mum
- breech
- fifth time mum
- first time mum
- fourth time mum
- gentle cesarean
- gestational diabetes
- home birth
- hospital birth
- induction
- midwife led unit
- natural twin birth
- obstetric cholestasis
- planned cesarean
- pre-eclampsia
- second time mum
- third time mum
- twin pregnancy
- unplanned cesarean
- vaginal birth
- water birth
Birth story - Natalie and baby Ella
Natalie is a second time mum who had a VBAC in hospital at 39 weeks + 2 days. She was induced due to having group B strep and gestational diabetes but, with the help of the digital pack, she remained focussed and calm and had an amazing birth. Read her positive birth experience here…
Birth story - Harriet and baby Nancy
Harriet is a second time mum who had a VBAC in hospital at 40 weeks + 4 days. She learnt a lot from the digital pack and believes it helped her to progress so far at home before they went to hospital. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Rebecca and baby Blake
Rebecca is a second time mum who had an unplanned home birth. She found that the information she gained from the digital pack helped her to manage the situation she found herself in and enabled her to have a positive experience. Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Lucy and baby Cass
Lucy is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 39 weeks + 2 days. Her experience this time around was significantly more relaxed and controlled than the first which she credits to the digital pack and Freya app. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Sherrie and baby Ayda
Sherrie is a second time mum who had a water birth at home at 41 weeks + 1 day. She was so calm and relaxed in her home environment and she describes her birth as ‘such a magical experience.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Carrie and baby Marco
Carrie is a second time mum who had a waterbirth at her local midwife led unit at 40 weeks. She found her second birth immeasurably better than her first and credits this to the knowledge and tools that she gained from the digital pack. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Naomi and baby Ottilie
Naomi is a second time mum who had a water birth at home at 41 weeks + 1 day. She read the book and completed the digital pack and went on to have the ‘best birth she could have imagined.’ Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Rebecca and baby Fred
Rebecca is a second time mum who had her baby at home at 37 weeks + 3 days. She completed the digital pack and was then able to prepare for birth and go on to have a ‘magical birth experience.’ Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Marie and baby Finley
Marie is a second time mum who gave birth in hospital at 39 weeks + 5 days. She gained ‘tools’ from the digital pack which enabled her to set a calming scene for birth and to also be in control of her labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Jo and baby Sofia
Jo is a second time mum who had an unexpected home birth at 38 weeks + 5days. She found that the digital pack had prepared her for all eventualities so she was able to cope with the slight change in plan and birth her baby calmly at home. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Kirsty and baby Leo
Kirsty is a second time mum who had her baby in the pool at home at 40 weeks + 2 days. She gained tools from the digital pack that helped her to stay calm and relaxed during her labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Becs and baby Elsie
Becs is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 42 weeks + 1 day. She was induced and found the tools she gained from the hypnobirthing course invaluable in keeping her focussed and calm. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Lizzie and baby girl
Lizzie is a second time mum who had a VBAC in her local hospital. She watched the YouTube videos and found that Up Breathing gave her control, and something to focus on, during labour and helped her to have a positive birth experience. Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Claire and baby Felix
Claire is a second time mum who had an unplanned home birth at 40 weeks + 5 days. She felt the digital pack enabled her to trust in her body and gave her tools to help with labour. She found the breathing techniques and positive affirmations invaluable during her rather speedy labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Suzie and baby Sephina
Suzie is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 39 + 6 days. She read the hypnobirthing book and was able to understand her feelings about her first birth and prepare herself for a more positive birth this time around. Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Sarah and baby Rory
Sarah is a second time mum who gave birth in her local midwife led unit. She read the book and completed the digital pack and used tools gained from them to help her have a much more positive birth experience this time around. Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Henny and baby girl
Henny is a second time Mum and she and her husband worked as a team to birth their baby at home. They believe that completing the digital pack gave them the tools they needed to have a straightforward, easy, quick and calm birth. Read their positive birth story here…
Birth story - Corrie and baby Oliver
Corrie is a second time mum who gave birth in hospital at 38 weeks + 5 days. Her baby was back to back and she feared a repeat of her first labour but, with the help of hypnobirthing, she managed to have a much more positive experience. Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Olivia and baby Sophie
Olivia is a second time mum who gave birth in hospital at 38 weeks + 4 days. She completed the digital pack with her husband and they worked together as a team throughout labour to stay calm and focused. Read their positive birth story here…
Birth story - Madeline and baby Edith
Madeline is a second time mum who had her baby at her local midwife led unit at 39 weeks + 4 days. She read up on hypnobirthing for her first birth but gained even more from the digital pack, she says it really helped her to remain calm during birth. Read her positive birth story here…