Birth story - Sherrie and baby Ayda
I found the PBC online course when I was about 30 weeks, I had been doing some pregnancy yoga using YouTube videos where breathing techniques were mentioned which lead me to looking up hypnobirthing and coming across the pack!
I had a good (if a little long) birth experience with my first child - waterbirth in a MLU at 40+5 weeks (my husbands birthday!) 7 years ago. I would have been happy to return there to birth baby number 2 but when I started watching the videos I started to understand that the reason things took so long and kept slowing down was more than likely due to the stop start environment - not being dilated enough to be taken in, feeling stressed by having to keep walking around to progress, examinations, finally being admitted, being moved rooms ect. So even though I’d told my midwife I wouldn’t consider homebirth I quickly changed my mind! It made sense to me as estimated due date was 21/12 and I wanted to avoid missing out on being stuck in a hospital and missing out on Christmas with my son!
So due date came and went as did Christmas and Boxing Day (Id felt sure I’d have a Christmas Day baby!) and was feeling a little disheartened I kept snapping at everyone with the excuse of “this is the most pregnant I’ve ever been!” But then I got a hold of myself and reminded myself that my baby would come when she was ready and I should enjoy the final days of pregnancy which I did by turning off my phone and starting to re read all the Harry Potter books!
I was booked for a sweep at 41 weeks curiosity had got the better of me and I wanted to know if there was anything going on. The sweep “failed” due to my cervix still being long and closed although the midwife had told me it was starting to soften, and we discussed induction. Although the word “failed” was used I was actually really pleased that my cervix was at least soft, as thanks to “the science part” of the course, I understood my cervix had started its journey it was just taking the scenic route. So rather than be disheartened I went into town picked up some bits and topped up my labour Maoam stash! I made a mental note to rewatch the induction videos of the course just incase we got there, I had a nice dinner with my son and husband and went to bed.
At 5am I awoke with mild surges I laid in bed reading my Harry Potter book and relaxed I didn’t wake my husband as I wasn’t convinced it was the real thing! They were at a consistent 10 minutes apart and by about 6.30 I didn’t feel comfy laying down anymore so propped myself up. My son came in at 7am for a cuddle and we read together for a while and then went and had breakfast together - in this time surges were getting closer together but I felt really calm and was enjoying the time with my son and coped easily using up breathing. I made some tea for myself and my husband, took some paracetamol, downloaded a timer app and went to wake him up. I told him I wasn’t 100% sure but I was going to have a bath and start timing.
Sure enough surges were around 4 minutes apart and growing more powerful. I rang my sister (she was actually in a gym class!) around 9am to come and collect my son, packed him an overnight bag as a precaution. I had a cup of tea with her and a bacon sandwich made by my husband and said goodbye to my very excited son who couldn’t wait to meet his sister next time he saw me!
I bounced on my ball watching pretty woman drinking tea and chatting with my husband who kept telling me to call the labour ward but I didn’t feel it necessary until about 11.30am they advised they would be sending a midwife to assess me.
Meanwhile my husband began setting up the pool and around 20 minutes later our midwife who had been looking after me throughout my pregnancy arrived! There was a second midwife on the way so we waited for her to arrive with a cup of tea and a biscuit. When she arrived I requested an examination to be told I was 5cm and in established labour - I was so happy! The midwives went to bring various bits of kit in and my husband set up the pool pausing every now and then to do some light touch massage on me. I felt so relaxed with my candles, fairy lights, Christmas tree and relaxation playlist and the MP3 track playing in headphones. The pool was soon ready and the midwife said I could get in. The water felt amazing and I continued to feel relaxed I completely trusted my body and knew my baby was happy and I was very excited to meet her! The midwives left me and my husband to it and pretty much just observed and checked with a mirror occasionally to see what was happening.
The surges then began to change and I had my wobble “what on Earth am I doing, I can’t do this etc” but my husband got me back to green telling me how well I was doing and we would soon meet our daughter. I changed to down breathing and could feel my daughters head coming down, I panicked a little and asked the midwife to coach me slightly as I felt I may have been holding back from letting my body push enough - she was great and didn’t over do it at all and kept reminding me I was completely safe. I dread to think what my neighbours thought of the noise - I’m definitely a loud Moo-er!
There was a suggestion of getting me out of the water to see if I found it easier on dry land but I refused knowing that I was very close to birthing my baby. I had been on all fours but instinct made me throw myself back into a more squatting position when my daughters head and shoulders appeared in my next surge! We saw her do the wiggle and twist and with the next surge the rest of her body was born she was immediately put on my chest at 15.10. I was euphoric! We had some time in the pool then moved to the sofa. We had delayed cord clamping and the placenta was delivered 20 minutes later.
I didn’t need any stitches but did have a slight problem with blood clotting inside me and coming out in large clots the midwives were able to deal with it though using some suppositories. I stayed put on the sofa with a sugary tea and a crunchy whilst my husband took baby Ayda for her checks in the next room and some daddy skin to skin!
The midwives stayed for 2 hours to make sure both myself and Ayda were okay and left about 5 o clock. My husband then took care of all the tidying and cleaning up whilst I cuddled and fed Ayda and Face timed our son. We then swapped over so I could go have a shower and get in some fresh clothes - bliss to be in my own shower!
My sister then brought my son home about 9pm who instantly fell in love with his little sister and we all got to go to sleep in our own beds.
I cannot thank Siobhan enough for the knowledge shared within the online course and I know I would not have had such an amazing empowering birth experience without it! The midwife later told me she was shocked I was already 5cm when she examined me as I was so calm and collected and in control it truly was such an magical experience.
Thank you Siobhan!

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