Birth story - Madeline and baby Edith


I bought the digital pack early in pregnancy. I was looking for courses having tried hypnobirthing with my first baby. She was born in 2013 and it wasn't as popular then as it is now. Back then I self taught using books by Marie Mangan and audio relaxation files and CDs. I would say it helped me through my pregnancy but on the day itself I wasn't calm, I came to the unit too early and I had no real "tools" to use on the day. ENTER PBC!! 👼

I watched the videos with my husband who was 100% with me on it. Having experienced the first birth we both knew that our main aims were increased sense of calm, not going in to the unit too early and having skills to use. We practised the breathing together, tested out some readings from our NHS hypnobirthing course, tried light touch massage and talked often about what I wanted him to do/not do. To get oxytocin flowing he even planned for us to have a look back over the videos and photos of our first daughter and sort them out (one of those jobs you never get round to!) Although we never got round to this in early labour either lol 🙈

From 39+0 I had begun having period like cramps, sometimes constant sometimes on/off. I didn't want to get my hopes up but looking back this morning was definitely my body getting ready 🌱 Around 3.30am on 11th June I woke up to an undramatic soft popping sensation and some fluid coming out (similar to what you feel when your period arrives!) And thought my waters might have released. I got up to the loo and sure enough more started to come away each time I moved. This carried on gently for about an hour, more so when I was standing up and I had a shower at one point just to clean my body and stand somewhere where it didn't matter if I leaked!! Over this time my surges began gently, felt totally manageable and I used the up breathing to good effect. My husband brought up our hospital bag and we set the bedroom up for relaxing- fairy lights, LED candles, diffuser with Clary sage oil and the Freya app 👌 I took this time to pluck my eyebrows as I was due an eyebrow and bikini wax that day! One out of two isn't bad eh?

At around 5.30 my daughter woke up but I felt totally in control and able to chat to her between surges. I was keen all along that she never witnessed me in pain and I think we achieved this. We called my MIL to come and be with her and eventually then get her ready and take her to school. She arrived at 6 and I was still happy chatting to her, excusing myself during surges to breath them away in the kitchen. They were getting stronger so I retreated to our bedroom for privacy and my husband began his "keeper of the cave" duties. Called midwives around 5.30am, they were happy I was happy and said they'd call back at shift handover. At 8ish they called and said they'd like to see me so make my way in at 9.

Meanwhile I used the app but found the breathing on there too slow (sorry!!!) And so just used it for timing surges and listening to relaxation, turning the volume down during the breathing counting to do my own thing. My husband did some pacing and matching of my breathing to keep it controlled. I drank smoothies (perfect!!!) And snacked a little on some marsh mallows (random, unplanned, possibly brought to me by my daughter?) And had some fruit toast and tea for breakfast.


On arrival at the MLU the surges were very, very strong and I was having to hum or moan them out. Our midwife that morning was Pippa and she was really supportive of the hypnobirthing approach. She gave me paracetamol and gas and air when I asked for it (I also had on a TENS machine but didn't find it made that much difference) and examined me. I was really disappointed to hear I was only 5cm dilated and Pippa reassured me the numbers meant nothing and to try and stay positive.

Well, I sat up on the edge of the bed and with the next surge felt a completely alien sensation of my tummy contracting inward and downward, similar to a heave and very involuntary! Suddenly I felt the urge to half stand up leaning on the gas chamber and let's just say... 💩... I knew baby was coming and the midwife helped me get onto all fours over the back of the raised bed head. With 2-3 more surges and a fair bit of roaring 🦁 from me, Edie was born at 1034- just an hour after arriving and moments after being told I was 5cm dilated. The midwife guided me to breath downwards during pushing and applied pressure and told me to pant to avoid tearing- which I did 🌺💪 I couldn't believe I'd done it and repeated that over and over. We didn't know she was a girl, I was elated when my husband told me she was as my daughter was so, so hoping and wishing for a sister.


Just one more thing- my first birth was a water birth and I found this great so was really set on getting in that pool again. Midwives began running the pool but in the end there was no time. I'd like to say to anyone with their heart set on a water birth - you CAN do it "on land" as I like to put it. Don't be disheartened if you don't get to get in the pool, keep focussed on your baby and your body and don't let disappointment become panic or worse, adrenaline. Edie is a dream baby and her big sister is besotted.

I really feel very strongly that hypnobirthing should ditch the title and just become the main method of antenatal teaching. It teaches us that birth should not be feared, it gives us the tools we require and covers all the necessary biology and interventions. I have been banging on about hypnobirthing since my first daughter and I'll be an even stronger advocate now having achieved a truly calm birth. Thank you PBC and keep up the good work 👌


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