Birth story - Lucy and baby Cass

After my first son was born in August 2015 I was very anxious about giving birth again, it was very long and quite traumatic for everyone. we had to stay in for 8 days after which for me was the worst part. I just wanted to be at home. When we fell pregnant in June I was still anxious but determined for it not to be the same experience. My friend recommended the positive birth digital pack and I thought I’d give it a try. We completed the course when I was 36 weeks pregnant, and I used all the techniques everyday until the big day.

On Sunday 24th Feb I went to bed as normal but with a stomach ache I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t get much sleep that night and thought that something might be happening but by the next day it had gone. I had my midwife appointment the next day, she examined me as I requested and she said I was already 3cm dilated and things were moving all in the right direction. I was a little shocked as I wasn’t actually due till the 2nd of March. I went home and went straight out for a long walk. I bounced on my ball all night and ended the evening with a relaxing bath. I went to bed as normal, at around 3am I got up to go to the toilet and immediately felt a gush when I stood up I ran to the toilet and my waters broke, a little shocked but delighted as I knew this was the start. I had a lovely bath and stayed relaxed with the mp3 playing. I downloaded the Freya app a week or so before. At 4 ish I started to feel slight contractions so I stated to time them. By 8 they were quite strong, 4 mins apart and lasting 45 seconds ish. I rang the hospital at 10am and she said as soon as they get more intense and last more than a minute to just come in.

By 11 am we decided to go. I had in the back of my head that they would examine me and send us home.... the car journey wasn’t far at all but my husband had to drop me off as there weren’t any parking spaces so I made my way up to delivery hoping that he wasn’t going to be too long as I needed him to stay calm. I got to the reception and was greeted by the loveliest midwife. She took me to the room keeping me calm as I was getting a little panicked that my husband wasn’t by my side but he came within 5 mins. She examined me and said I was a good 4cm dilated so I needed to stay in now…much to my husbands shock as he didn’t bring the bags up 😂 so back to the car he went.

In the time he was gone (10mins) my contractions had changed they were so intense and the pressure was bringing tears to my eyes. The midwife could tell from the tone of my voice something had changed and she examined me again. Hubby was back and I instantly felt relief. She asked me where I felt most comfortable so I got onto the bed on all fours. She told me to go with my body.... I needed to push. My down breathing techniques came into action and within 10 pushes he was out.


The most incredible moment in my life, I felt so proud that I did it! I literally felt like superwoman. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have been able to do it all without the digital pack and the Freya app. It changed my whole perception of birth and made me feel relaxed and most importantly in control. My beautiful baby boy was born calmly and safely 💙


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