Birth story - Rebecca and baby Fred

This was a fairly uneventful (apart from being the best day of my life!) and straightforward labour.

My waters broke in the morning at 9am at 37+3 as they did with my first. I had a shower and washed my hair. Had breakfast with my daughter and took her to grandmas. My husband and I went to the hospital to be monitored as I wasn’t sure if they were waters or I’d wet myself. When I got there I lost my plug so I was pretty sure it was happening. I let them monitor me for an hour and then went for a walk. We went to M&S and bought ALL of the food! We took it home and watched tv and devoured it all.

I started to get period type cramps at about 2pm but they were irregular. By about 6 I was timing them and Freya said I was in established labour. I doubted this as I was so calm and controlled and didn’t feel like I needed anything for the pain at all. Last time I was screaming for an epidural and trapped in the fear/tension/pain cycle so I had doubted that hypnobirthing would work for a neurotic drama queen like me!


In the next hour they ranked up a bit and I asked my husband to set up the bedroom as it was too light in the living room. He put my tens machine on and I wanted to be left to it. The midwives arrived at 7 and I asked them to examine me as I didn’t believe I was actually in labour yet. To my delight I was 6cm with baby nice and low! They went into the kitchen and only came back into the bedroom to listen into baby and didn’t interfere at all. At about 8 I started to struggle and wanted my husband to stroke me and reassure me. I asked for gas and air and the midwife encouraged me to hold off for a few more surges as she thought I could manage it. I agreed and used my up breathing and tens machine to get through them. I then insisted on the gas and air and it was an amazing relief. I still used my up breathing whilst taking it and it took the edge off.


I suddenly got the urge to push and the midwife got ready and just told me to go with my body. I did and his head came out... I couldn’t believe it, I thought I had hours ahead of me. In the next few seconds, his body followed and he was passed through my legs as I was on all fours on the bed. He was just perfect and I couldn’t believe I had done it. In the next 20 mins he fed and the placenta came naturally. I was examined and had no tearing and didn’t need stitches! The midwives brought us some tea and we had some time together.


I went for a shower while my husband dressed baby and the midwives put fresh sheets on my bed. I got out of the shower and felt euphoric. I’ve never felt so amazing, powerful, proud, the list is endless! I demolished a tin of posh biscuits and climbed into my own bed. Bliss. The midwife said it was one of the calmest births she’d been too, we laughed because if she knew me I’m the total opposite! I’m a total hypnobirthing convert and feel I need to spread the word. All my preparation made my birth a truly magical experience from start to finish. Thank you PBC!


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