Birth story - Becs and baby Elsie


My first birth was 7 years ago, I had no birth plan and really no understanding at all about what my body could or could not do, in hindsight. My labour was spontaneous and I had a beautiful little boy delivered by forceps. My issue was that the medical staff had conversations about me but not with me. It lead me to a place of pure fear and turned me into one very unsure and stressed mum to be. Traumatic and PTSD were part of my birthing reality.

This time around would be different and after some research, my partner and I decided to attend the course in Twickenham lead by the amazing Rachel.

My partner was supportive but wary, as I was, but I needed to make sure I knew as much as I could before the birth of bump number two. We really appreciated the focus on the role of the birth partner as well as the information regarding what actually happens to my body and of course......and the up breathing!!! Who knew such a simple technique would be this helpful??!!

With 'due date' passing the discussion around induction was raised with each visit but politely declined. I started to dilate slowly and at 41+3 I was 1/2 cm and decided that I would like to get things moving and agreed to an induction the next day.

By Wednesday I had finally dilated to 4cm 🤦🏻‍♀️ after constant surges from Monday night. After 6 hours of active mobile labour...... I got to 5cm. I called time out with my partner. I was tired, I was hungry, I knew that I could jump to 10 cm in a heartbeat but I knew my body and I would not have been able to help my baby out no matter what position I was in. I opted for an epidural so we could regroup. It was the most incredible couple of hours.

It was dark by then and we set up our candles, had some snacks and talked about how excited we were.....and even got a quick nap in too. 3 hours later I was 10cm dilated and opted to have a little top up to allow baby to get in to position. At 3am it was go time. I was able to be upright on my knees and feeling each surge by this time which was incredible. I knelt there in between each surge and really did feel like superwoman!! . I asked for support with some coaching from both John and our midwife and then decided to move on to my side where I was the one in control.

Transition arrived and I had to tell myself that yes, I can and will do this no matter what! With each surge, I felt every move until she was born and placed directly on me. No crying, no bright lights, just lots of love which is where we stayed for what felt like hours. I cut her cord which was important for me and then John had some skin to skin while I was looked after (managed third phase and 2nd degree tear, no episiotomy!!!) .


We stayed in this bubble for another 4 hours before if was time to leave. We went back to the ward and less than 6 hours after arriving there we got to go home!!!

I had planned a beautiful perfect waterbirth, what I got was the perfect birth for me and my family. We made the decisions at the right time for us.

I credit the course hugely for showing me that I totally have this, and now I really do. I really cannot thank Siobhan and Rachel enough, you both are amazing ❤️❤️

Induction can be scary and due to the length of time it takes, I understand why intervention is more likely. What I will say is sometimes, intervention isn't all that bad, especially if it is your decision on your terms.


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