Birth story - Kirsty and baby Leo

I first came across the digital pack when I was around 23 weeks pregnant from multiple recommendations on various Facebook groups I was part of. I had never really considered hypnobirthing, but wanted to be more prepared for birth this time round. Coincidentally, my husband and I began thinking about a homebirth around about the same time, and the pack only cemented and encouraged this decision.

I watched the pack myself initially, and in the last few weeks watched it all again with my husband. This meant everything was fresh and clear in my mind, and it made a massive difference having him fully on board with it all. He knew all the techniques inside and out, and the arm stroking relaxation came in really useful during labour.


The day before he was born, on Sunday evening, I started having regular surges every 3-4 minutes. We set up the living room with the pool, tea lights and diffuser and I put on the TENS machine, prepared to see my baby soon. Unfortunately through the evening the surges never intensified and by the morning had tailed off and were now every 6-8 minutes, and not very strong. I was quite disappointed but managed to stay positive, repeating that my baby will come when my baby is ready.

On Monday evening at 6.30pm the surges started to get closer and closer together and much stronger. I put the TENS machine back on, used the 'up' breathing, and sent my husband out with my son to my dad's. While he was away the surges kept coming and my waters broke. I phoned the hospital at this point and they sent out the homebirth midwives.

My husband hurried home and started setting the room up again. At 7.30pm the first midwife arrived. She asked if I wanted to be examined which I had to think about for a minute. Using BRAIN I said yes and to my delight I was 7cm! I continued to breathe through the surges, with each one telling myself that every surge brings me closer to my baby. This was so affirming for me and I actually found myself welcoming each surge.


I got in the pool at around 8.15pm and it was wonderful. I didn't make much noise at all during the up stage, so it was very clear to everyone when I transitioned into the down stage as I started making involuntary noises with each surge! My midwife was fantastic and didn't coach me with pushing at all, instead telling me to "do what you need to do". A few pushes and my baby boy was born in the water in my living room.


I immediately got skin to skin in the water while waiting for a physiological third stage, which felt like no time at all. I birthed the placenta then moved to the couch for more skin to skin, baby's first feed and some checks of us both.


I did have a second degree tear unfortunately but I haven't dwelled on it since as the rest of my birth experience was so amazing that I can't think anything but positive thoughts when I look back on it.

Thank you so much to Siobhan and everyone at the PBC. Without the pack there is no way I would have gotten the same experience. I can genuinely tell people I loved the birth of my son, and would do it again in a heartbeat 💕


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