Birth story - Corrie and baby Oliver
After my first child I was left a little traumatised by birth, my baby was back to back and I had an induction, epidural and a forcep delivery. I put this all down to being frightened.
I was adamant my second and final time of childbirth was going to be a peaceful one so I purchased the positive birth pack and also read books on hypnobirthing. Even a few videos. I felt upbeat and positive about the full experience and was actually excited to do it again strangely enough. Then my mind would wonder again and the fear would kick straight back in.
At 34 weeks I was sent for a growth scan and told my son was huge and to come back in 2 weeks time for a further scan, so I did so and he was then measuring small so they wanted me back in a further 2 weeks to see what the plan was. I wanted nothing more than to start naturally but also let the excitement of seeing him pressure me into the idea of induction. At 38+3 I went for my final growth scan and they said he was measuring big again, bigger than expected.
The following morning my consultant phoned and wanted me to plan for an induction in 2 days time as the safer option. She put it to me that getting him out instead of letting him grow any bigger would reduce the chance of his shoulders getting stuck. I felt that another induction sounded like a nightmare waiting to happen, she offered me a sweep to see if that wound allow me to go in to labour naturally so I accepted.
The sweep was at 3pm and by 9pm I kept getting cramps very intense in my back and extreme pressure. By 11pm I knew it was time to go in and by the time I got examined I was 4cm (glory to my ears). I was sent straight to labour ward. My pulse and baby’s heart beat was high so had to be placed on monitor and drip so instant dread sunk in that I was going to have the same birth as before but I soon pulled myself together with positive thoughts and up breathing - gas and air was also my best friend.
I tried the ball but found my comfortable place was rolled in a ball on my side with my mum using a cold flannel on my face this was bliss and really helped. By 4am I was still only 5cm so we decided the best option was to break my waters . Things really ramped up, I thought I needed the epidural (I didn't I had it under control), I learned from my past mistake and got back in zone.
I instantly felt the need to push without being checked since 5cm I knew my body was telling me it was time. A few pushes later I felt a pop and my little boy was born sunny side up. Immediate skin to skin and straight on the breast was absolutely amazing. I was so proud of myself to do it with only gas and air especially being back to back again. I couldn't have stayed focused without the help of hypnobirthing and the positive birth company. I finally got the birthing experience I wanted and feel so much better for It. Whatever way we birth, we are all amazing to bring babies into the world.
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