home birth, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company home birth, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Alexandria and baby Theodore

Alexandria is a second time mum who had her baby at home, in a pool, at 41 weeks + 1 day. She had a positive first birth but says that, ‘overall was even more positive than my last birth and I had no idea that was possible. I am so grateful for hypnobirthing.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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midwife led unit, second time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company midwife led unit, second time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Bianca and baby Maya

Bianca is a second time mum who had a water birth in a midwife led unit at 39 weeks + 5 days. She says, ‘I didn't at any point feel out of control, I felt fully supported and listened to by my mum, my husband, my midwife and my student midwife.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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midwife led unit, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company midwife led unit, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Sarah and baby Rafe

Sarah is a second time mum who had a water birth at her local midwife led unit at 40 weeks + 1 day. She used hypnobirthing techniques and found focussing on her breathing and having a positive mindset helped make her birth better. Read her positive birth story here…

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home birth, third time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company home birth, third time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Sophie and baby Ziggy

Sophie is a third time mum who had her baby in a pool at home at 40 weeks + 4 days. She says, ‘As far as giving birth goes… this was pretty perfect ♥️ hypnobirthing definitely helped me to understand what my body was doing and to stay calm through my birth.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Fiona and baby girl

Fiona is a first time mum who had her baby in the pool, in hospital, at 41 weeks + 6 days. Using BRAIN she declined induction and went on to labour spontaneously. |Of her birth she, ‘can truly say my birth was extremely positive!’ Read her positive birth story here…

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home birth, fourth time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company home birth, fourth time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Debbie and baby Mabel

Debbie is a fourth time mum who had her rainbow baby in a pool, at home, at 40 weeks + 3 days. She says, ‘I’m so thankful for this course! I understood the science of my body birthing, what my baby was equipped to do, just so much more knowledge which gave me confidence in my abilities.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Saffron and baby Eric

Saffron is a first time mum who had her baby in hospital at 41 weeks + 2 days. This was not her original plan but she says, ‘Every decision that was made was perfect for us and the hypnobirthing course really helped with keeping me in the right mindset throughout my whole labour and delivery.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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midwife led unit, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company midwife led unit, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Nicole and baby girl

Nicole is a second time mum who had a healing birth at a midwife led unit, at 38 weeks + 6 days. She says, ‘I had the unmedicated VBAC I worked my butt off for. I am not broken as I feared I was from my first birth experience. I am strong and powerful.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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breech, hospital birth, second time mum, twin pregnancy, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company breech, hospital birth, second time mum, twin pregnancy, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Katie and baby boy twins

Katie is a second time mu who had her twins in hospital at 34 weeks + 3 days. Her labour was less than straightforward with twin 1 being back to back and twin 2 being breech, but she remained calm and focused throughout! Read her positive birth story here

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Birth story - Mum and baby boy

This second time mum was induced in hospital, at 40 weeks. She says, ‘I am so proud that I was able to use my breathing and trust my body to birth my baby. It was an amazing experience to feel the power of what we can achieve.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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hospital birth, induction, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company hospital birth, induction, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Jessica and baby girl

Jessica is a second time mum who was induced in hospital, at 42 weeks + 3 days. She used BRAIN to make decisions during pregnancy and labour and says, ‘thanks to the PBC I understood the physiological side of birth and was able to advocate for myself as needed.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, home birth, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, home birth, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Lauren and baby Heidi

Lauren is a first time mum who had a water birth at 42 weeks + 3 days. She trusted her instincts and used BRAIN to allow her baby time to arrive of their own accord; using hypnobirthing breathing exercises, she birthed her baby at home. Read her positive birth story here…

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