Birth story - Lauren and baby Luna
Thanks to the many HBAC/VBAC stories that empowered me to have a successful one myself!
Here’s my birth story that was both healing and empowering and hope it helps in your journey…
My first birth was an induction and emergency cesarean in Jan 2021, which seems to have been unnecessary. It left me traumatised so I knew the next time I was going for a vbac but didn’t think I’d have a home birth until I realised this was the only way it was going to happen for me. I found a midwife that I aligned with, I hired a doula, and went to monthly home birth meetings where I met so many women that had multiple and positive home births. This gave me the drive I needed to persevere!
So on the morning of 23 Sept at 40w4d, I lost my mucus plug and by late afternoon, I was feeling mild cramping. My 40th bday was a day away so I knew all along my baby girl was coming as my special gift!! By 12am on 24 Sept, contractions began and by 3am, I was in active labour. We rang our doula and midwife to tell them to make their way over. Here in NZ, two midwives have to be present with the second arriving at transition. I also had a student midwife present as well so it was a full house of support in our 20ft shipping container living room!
Using up breathing, a tens machine, and birthing comb, I pulled through contracting every two minutes, until it was time to jump in the pool. My midwife kept checking my back to see how far I dilated rather than internal exams. We waited until she could see I was about 8cm dilated before getting in the pool since we didn’t want to slow things down. So roughly 4.5hrs after going into active labour, I got in the pool and my waters broke almost immediately. And then quickly came the pressure and urge to push - this was something I never felt in my first birth even though I was fully dilated for hours because my body wanted to rest. My husband jumped in the pool with me and I leaned on him throughout the process in different positions.
Unfortunately, my girl’s head did not come out in one go - I only birthed 3/4 of it and her chin got stuck. The midwives suspected shoulder dystocia and had to act fast so I was yanked out of the pool and put on the floor - this part is a blur as I was in shock for a few seconds until I felt my girl slide out and be placed on my tummy. The midwives said they had to manoeuvre my legs to help her…I believe it was the McRoberts manoeuvre.
It may have been hectic for a minute at the end but my girl came out calm and gently and we had immediate skin to skin, just as I had wanted for her. 🥰
It was basically a 7 hr labour from 12am (5hr of active), and our toddler slept through it all waking up as soon as she was born. Him and my husband cut the cord together, which was so lovely to watch. 💙
I didn’t have any tearing, but did struggle to get the placenta out, needing two injections of pitocin, and was minutes away from needing to transfer to the hospital, but it all worked out at the last minute!! Phew!
So on the last day of my 30’s, I got to experience something I so longed for with my baby girl being the best birthday gift in the world. I’m still at home soaking in all the cuddles and love. All you vbac and hbac mommas, YOU GOT THIS!!

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