Birth story - Jess and baby Mack
*Trigger warning* - use word contractions (not a trigger for me)
Minimal intervention, up breathing, used gas and air and tens machine.
13th July
I went for a scan as I was suddenly measuring small at my midwife appointment.
Baby’s tummy smaller than average. Dropped in size by 50% so needed to be induced as placenta might not be working properly and baby needed to come out.
Sent home with induction booked for the next day.
14th July
11am arrived at hospital for induction.
Private room
1:20pm cooks balloon inserted
Some cramping and some contractions that were quite painful as the balloon added extra pressure.
7pm balloon fell out! (Normally stays in for 24 hours and then deflated to remove but mine fell out after 5.5hrs)
This means cervix had opened enough. Then on waiting list for waters breaking.
Another sweep done.
Stay In hospital overnight.
15th July
1pm ish they discharged us to wait at home for a call to get waters broken as waiting list was long.
Relaxing evening at home.
16th July
5:15am call from midwife to come in for waters to be broken
Private room.
7:40am had waters broken. Very painful first try as baby’s hand was in the way. I cried, was a bit overwhelmed with gas and air hit. Second attempt was successful.
Midwives called Jess and student Danielle. Both absolutely lovely! Spent the whole day with us, one to one care throughout. Played silly games, talked about random things. Had a good laugh.
9:50am went on drip to get things going. Told them I was worried about going from 0-100 too quickly and they were amazing at explaining everything. Super gradual increase in hormone to get contractions stronger but at a sensible pace.
I sat on ball for a good 5 hours as the contractions started to build.
About 3pm I started using gas and air with the contractions and that helped me regulate my breathing.
Just before 4pm I was asked to change my position as baby’s heart rate was dropping slightly during contractions, I went on the bed and lay on my side with a peanut ball in between my legs to keep hips open. I didn’t manage long in this position, felt slightly more painful. It helped with the heart rate though so they were happy baby was ok.
At 4pm I had an internal examination to see how I was progressing I was 5-6cm. From then I stayed on the bed but went on all fours, raised the top of the bed so I was leaning over the top of the bed. This was a good position for me.
I decided to start using my tens machine as the contractions were harder to just breathe through.
Quickly within 10 mins here my body naturally started to transition and push baby down. I was so surprised this was happening so quickly after just being told I was 5-6cm.
I felt the change and thought I would panic (like I did with first labour) but I knew what it was and stayed calm, the midwives were amazing at helping me through this change and told me to go with my body and allow it to bear down.
Baby was so close but my legs weren’t open enough to successfully deliver in the upright position so I was helped onto my back for the final 2 pushes. Even though this isn’t the best position, it really helped just open my hips that little bit more and it meant I could really focus on breathing baby out super slowly and calmly.
Yes, delivering the head is the most intense part but I just remember feeling so excited that this was the final bit! Baby was so so close!
The midwives and John were so quiet and calm, they just told me the breathe him down. As soon as his head was delivered I beamed and let out a huge sigh of relief! I felt his head and asked John to take a photo (might seem weird to people but I wanted to remember that incredible feeling) then the midwife offered to film the rest of the delivery as everything was calm and going well. So one final push and he was delivered. Absolutely incredible feeling of accomplishment, I couldn’t believe it. I watch the video of my birth every day 🥰
I decided to have a natural delivery of the placenta (no injection given to speed up the process) and this was delivered quickly after just 10 minutes with one gentle push.
We waited until the cord stopped pulsing with blood (again about 10 mins after delivery) and my husband cut the cord.
They checked me over, came away with only a tiny scratch so very impressed with that.
We had skin to skin for a good hour before we weighed him etc. during this time we called family to say he had arrived safely.
I was really worried about having an induced labour but honestly, I am so thankful with how it went, I enjoyed it. I am proud to say I managed it with just gas and air and a tens machine.
Last time I got a lot of relief from being in the pool so I was worried this time as I couldn’t have that and so I questioned how I would have coped, but I believe the amazing support from the midwives and husband helped me manage much better than I thought.
From the drip going into my hand, to Mack being delivered was just over 9 hours.
The positive birth company helped me stay so calm and in control. The midwives kept commenting on how calm I was throughout the whole process.

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