Birth story - Katie and baby boy twins
*Trigger warning* - contractions, SROM, premature babies, NICU
Little bit of a giggle for you, we found out we were expecting the twins on April fools day!
Pretty straight forward apart from suspected polyhydramnios which settled down by 30 weeks.
Consultant led and scans every week between 18-30 weeks.
My waters broke on Friday morning, whilst having a wee! We headed into the labour ward as advised by midwife. I’ve never leaked so much water in my life! At one point my dignity left as I flooded the pad, my pants, shorts and the floor 🤣
I was given antibiotics as I was only 34+1 when my waters broke. I accepted an examination as it allowed them to decide whether I would stay on labour ward or go up to Mary ward and await labour. Unfortunately my cervix was high and closed still which disappointed me!
I went to the ward. Friday night got contractions, was taken down to labour ward, offered an examination around 2am and decided against it, things settled down again, so I went back up to the ward to get some sleep!
Saturday night I sent my husband home to get some rest. Contractions started again, but as I’d had similar the night before I was monitored on the ward. I believe that I transitioned into active labour while on the toilet and getting back to the bed was a lot of effort!! I called my husband back around 10.30pm. He got to me around 11.15ish. About 11.30pm I got the urge to push to the midwife’s surprise! I’d refused examinations at this point, so they dashed me down to delivery on the bed!!
Once in delivery I asked about pain relief and was asked if I could be examined to see what they could offer. I agreed and to my surprise/horror I was fully dilated and ready to push!
Unfortunately they wouldn’t let me move from being on my back as they wanted to monitor the boys.
I began pushing and ended up being coached also, they needed to put my legs into stirrups to open my pelvis more to allow baby one to come out! I was asked if she could examine me while I pushed to see why it didn’t seem like baby was descending. They discovered baby was back to back! His stats were dropping during contractions so I had to try to push him out with the next few or we’d need to consider other options. I managed to do so and baby one was born at 1.28am. They started me on a drip then to keep contractions going and pressed on my tummy to stop baby from moving to transverse or further up into the womb.
I began pushing again, baby two was breech! As I pushed him down the midwife said my waters were bulging and I asked if he was in his sac and she said yes, so naturally I asked her to take a picture! 🤣 which she did!
Baby two was born in his sac, until his head came out and it popped everywhere!! He was born at 1.43am. Both boys had a little delayed cord clamping and time on my chest before going to Nicu where they needed a little help breathing. They were in Nicu for 17 days before we came home 🥰

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