first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Tayo and baby Jonah

Tayo is a first time mum who had a water birth in hospital, at 40 weeks + 4 days. Hypnobirthing empowered her, ‘to have exactly the birth [she] wanted and also to feel prepared for all eventualities.’ Her husband helped her to feel safe and in control throughout labour. Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, breech, hospital birth, planned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, breech, hospital birth, planned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Shannon and baby Sonny

Shannon is a first time mum who had a cesarean, due to baby being breech, at 39 weeks + 1 day. She says, I am so grateful for the knowledge and tools the PBC course gave me and I know it made a huge difference to how I was able to process those big changes late in my pregnancy and still feel empowered to make sure my birth was something I felt informed and positive about 💛’ Read her positive birth story here…

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hospital birth, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company hospital birth, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Abbey and baby Rowan

Abbey is a second time mum who had her rainbow baby in hospital, in Cambodia, at 41 weeks + 3 days. Hypnobirthing enabled her to recognise when she was in transition and empowered her to note that, ‘The power of birth is immense, but like I said when my daughter was born, not as powerful as me.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Ellen and baby Isabel

Ellen is a first time mum who was induced in hospital and went on to have a cesarean, at 39 weeks + 2 days. She used hypnobirthing tools to navigate her pregnancy and birth and says, ‘regardless of whether it goes to plan, the PBC comes in and supports you.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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hospital birth, second time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company hospital birth, second time mum, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company

New Zealand Birth story - Lizzie and baby Oscar

Lizzie is a second time mum who had her baby in the pool, in hospital, at 38 weeks + 3 days. She says she, ‘Can’t advocate for hypnobirthing enough and all the info in the PBC course is so so valuable. Would recommend it to everyone!’ Read her positive birth story here…

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midwife led unit, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company midwife led unit, second time mum, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Amelia and baby girl

Amelia is a second time mum who had her baby in her local midwife led unit at 41 weeks + 3 days. She says, ‘Thank you to the PBC for making me not worry about labour with both my children, especially feeling super relaxed about this second one.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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The Positive Birth Company The Positive Birth Company

birth story - Kimberly and baby Libby

Kimberly is a first time mum who had an unplanned cesarean at 41 weeks + 3 days. She says, ‘it was a very unpredictable and wildly different labour and delivery than what I had dreamed of or expected. But doing the course helped me mentally to cope with that, and use the skills learnt to help make decisions best for me and baby girl.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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hospital birth, induction, second time mum, twin pregnancy, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company hospital birth, induction, second time mum, twin pregnancy, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Holly and babies Daphne and Rose

Holly is a second time mum who was induced in hospital and had her twins at 36 weeks + 4 days. She says, ‘I'd had quite a lot of intervention, things that I know a lot of people get very worried about such as an induction and the hormone drip and honestly I couldn't have had a better experience. I felt totally in control, none of it felt beyond me.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Cathy and baby Elliott

Cathy is a first time mum who had her baby in hospital, in France, at 41 weeks + 6 days. She was induced and was able to use hypnobirthing to stay, ‘calm and relaxed the whole time.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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hospital birth, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company hospital birth, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Jess and baby Annie

Jess is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 40 weeks. She practised hypnobirthing in both of her pregnancies and says, ‘I had a fantastic labour and birth and recommend the PBC to anyone I meet that is pregnant!’ Read her positive birth story here…

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midwife led unit, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company midwife led unit, second time mum, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Lauren-Anne and baby Otis

Lauren-Anne is a second time mum who had a waterbirth in a midwife led unit, at 40 weeks + 6 days. She says, ‘My birthing experience is something ill treasure forever, it really was magical and I couldn’t have done it without the PBC.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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breech, first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean The Positive Birth Company breech, first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Cassandra and baby Marisol

Cassandra is a first time mum who had a cesarean, due to baby being breech, at 41 weeks + 2 days. She says, ‘To make sure I had the birth I deserved, I advocated for myself, I learned to ask “why?”, educated myself, and trusted my intuition.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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