vaginal birth, water birth, Second Time Mum, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company vaginal birth, water birth, Second Time Mum, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Kat and baby Octavia

Kat is a second time mum who had a home, water birth at 40 weeks. She used hypnobirthing to re-ignite her trust in her body’s ability to birth her baby and she says of her birth, ‘it was intense and powerful but I felt in control the whole way through.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Sonja and baby girl

Sonja is a first time mum who had a waterbirth, in hospital, at 39 weeks. She prepared for birth by reading positive birth stories and listening to hypnobirthing podcasts. She describes her labour as, ‘the most empowering moment in my entire life.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, induction, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, induction, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Kaci and baby girl

Kaci is a first time mum who was induced in hospital at 40 weeks + 6 days. Hypnobirthing enabled her to adapt her birth ‘plan’ and even though it didn’t go as she had hoped she says, ‘I am so happy about my birth and felt super empowered.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Mum and baby boy

This first time mum was induced at 41 weeks + 5 days and ended up having an unplanned cesarean due to reduced foetal heart rate. She found the experience positive as she “ had the tools to advocate for myself” and she felt listened to and in control. Read her positive birth story here…

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third time mum, vaginal birth, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company third time mum, vaginal birth, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Alina and baby Lévie

Alina is a third time mum who had her baby at home, in America, at 41 weeks. She says birth affirmations, ‘really helped me to feel strong and calm and in control,’ and she describes her experience as, ‘the most empowering, peaceful and beautiful birth.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, midwife led unit, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, midwife led unit, water birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Camila and baby Marcus

Camila is a first time mum who had her baby at 40 weeks in the pool at her local midwife led unit. Hypnobirthing helped her to understand the science of birth which helped her to visualise what was happening during labour. Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, midwife led unit, vaginal birth, gestational diabetes The Positive Birth Company first time mum, midwife led unit, vaginal birth, gestational diabetes The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Harriet and baby Ava

Harriet is a first time mum who had her baby in a midwife led unit at 38 weeks + 3 days. She says that hypnobirthing, “ not only helped me with my labour but also the anxiety I had during this overwhelming period in my life.” Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean, breech The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean, breech The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Margarita and baby Elliot

Margarita is a first time mum who had an elective caesarean at 39 weeks and 5 days, due to her baby being breech. She gained tools from the digital pack which helped her to be prepared and contributed to her birth being ‘absolutely perfect,’ despite not being at all what she had envisioned. Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Jessica and baby Martha

Jessica is a first time mum who was induced, in hospital, and ended up having an unplanned cesarean at 42 weeks. Although her labour did not go ‘to plan’ she says, ‘thanks to PBC, I was well informed, I took everything in my stride, went in with an open mind and made informed decisions.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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