Birth story - Domanique and baby Lena
Hi All!! I’m not the best story teller but here it goes!
I was told by one midwife I could have a membrane sweep, when I arrive the midwife on call gave us the pros and cons and I decided to wait. I wasn’t happy about this because I was scared I was going to be pregnant another week and I was ready to meet my girl! Well, I woke up around 3:30am 8/20/2020 having contractions. I didn’t think I was in labor and decided to get in the shower and see if there was any change, there wasn’t. I stayed in the shower for maybe 30minutes, I got out and my husband who had just gone to bed at 2:30am was waiting for me. He asked if I was ok, I told him yes I’m going downstairs to watch Netflix and eat oatmeal lol. He and my mom who was visiting decided to come down with me because they didn’t want to miss anything. I told them both I wasn’t in labor. Now, the reason I didn’t think it was labor is because I had been told first time labors take a while but I woke up with my contractions being 5mins apart so I thought no way! And I had prodromal labor 2 weeks before.
Fast forward, they started to become more intense my husband was sure we should call our doula and birth center, they agreed I should come in to be checked as it sounds like I’m in labor. This was around 5am, they asked that we come in sooner than later. I refused to leave without my snacks lol so my mom and husband were packing snacks and making smoothies (frantically lol), my husband didn’t want to upset me but he was becoming frustrated because at this point I’m laboring on the floor in the kitchen while he steps around me to make my smoothies 🤣 I was giving him instructions between contractions. At one point he decides THATS IT! and scooped everything from the fridge into a bag (never made my fruit bowl lol) and took us to the birth center. At this time, I STILL didn’t believe I was in labor. We arrive, the midwife on call says ok your 6cm, and that’s when I realized oh! So we’re having a baby?!
Photographer/doula instagram: Racheluephoto
I labored on the bed for a little bit that wasn’t the best for me, I went in the shower where I stayed for a few hours. My water broke in the shower at 9:20am and I was told I can now labor in the tub (I couldn’t wait). I felt lighter instantly!
Photographer/doula instagram: Racheluephoto
Photographer/doula instagram: Racheluephoto
I surrendered to every contraction and pushed when my body told me it was time. My husband was by my side every step of the way. He asked if I needed water and stepped out for a second to grab it, I felt a strong urge to push my daughter out completely but I held it until my husband had gotten back. He came in, the next contraction I knew was the one and out she came. Baby girl Lena 11:38am 💕
Photographer/doula instagram: Racheluephoto
Things I told myself: Take one contraction/surge at a time, I can do anything for 90 seconds, and surrender to the process, just relax.

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