Birth story - Mum and baby boy

*Trigger warning* - cord prolapse, emergency C-section, induction.

I'd heard about hypnobirthing long before getting pregnant and I knew it was something I wanted to explore once I did get pregnant.

I had a straight forward pregnancy, just lots of food aversions, carpal tunnel and tiredness towards the end.

I was convinced he would come early, but he had us waiting. I declined a sweep at my 40 week appointment, but had one at 41 weeks. My cervix was not ripe yet, so I prepared to be induced. I had a Covid test done and was booked in for my induction a couple of days later. I was lucky enough to go in at night, so after some extended monitoring, due to baby's heart rate, they inserted the Foley balloon. I watched a bit of telly and managed to get some sleep.

The next morning the balloon fell out when I went to the toilet, which I was hopeful about, but when I was examined I was told it hadn't ripened my cervix. I was monitored again and the plan was for me to have the pessary next.

Whilst I was being monitored it became clear that baby's heart rate was going down each time I had a Braxton Hicks. The midwife called the doctor in the delivery suite and they advised I moved up there for more monitoring.

Upon transfer things started to get very hectic. I had a word with my midwife to go through my birth preferences. I expressed that I didn't want any students or more people than necessary in the room due to Covid and wanting things to be as calm as possible. She was amazing and I noted a clear change straight away. Everyone knocked before entering the room, introduced themselves and explained options before asking for my consent to proceed.

I was being monitored wirelessly and it was just my midwife, my husband and me in the room. She dimmed the lights and offered to light some fairy lights (which I declined). My husband put on our wedding playlist and I sat on a maternity ball.

The baby's heart rate continued to fall with each Braxton Hicks, so we decided to put a clip on his head to make sure they were getting the correct readings. To do this my waters had to be broken first. I found this to be the most amazing feeling .

The midwife and doctor both tried to put a clip on his head, but it was not successful as he was moving his head and my waters kept coming. The senior midwife was called and, with my consent, tried again. On this attempt I heard the machine beep and saw that his heart rate had gone right down. This was due to his umbilical cord coming out (cord prolapse). My midwife calmly told me to turn on to all fours and explained that I would have to go in to theatre. I asked if my husband would be able to join me. We were informed that his scrubs were ready, but the team in theatre would make that decision.

I was wheeled into theatre. The lights were very bright, so I closed my eyes. My midwife held my hand and explained everything that was happening. I was informed that there wasn't enough time for a spinal or epidural, so I would be put under general anaesthetic. At that point I had a little cry.

When I woke up I was greeted by my smiling husband who told me we had a perfect baby boy! He had been taken to the neonatal unit because his breathing was a little laboured. I was very drowsy, but managed to express some colostrum to be taken to him and asked if I could have a private room on the ward.

I ate some food and spoke to my parents and sister. I was already talking about having another child.

After a few hours I was wheeled to my room and my husband went home. I had a nap and then went up to see my baby. He was very alert and strong, but was given some oxygen and antibiotics for a suspected infection.

He spent two nights there before joining me for a night on the ward. We were discharged on the fourth night.

Although it may sound like a traumatic experience to some, I found it very positive. I had birth preferences, but was open to anything as long as it meant my baby and I were healthy. I was happy that I had the tools to advocate for myself and was fortunate to have a wonderful midwife and doctors around me for birth and aftercare.


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