Birth story - Alina and baby Lévie

My first two births were both induced because I had big babies (9lbs 14oz and 8lbs 14oz). I got the epidural each time and both times the labors were long and left me quite traumatized. After randomly stumbling across the PBC on YouTube, I took the e-course and was absolutely intrigued - all of this was new to me and I knew I wanted a different (POSITIVE) birth this time! So, at 32 weeks, we decided on a home birth. It was one of the best decisions we made!!

Once I went past 40 weeks, I became rather depressed and impatient, since I never went into labor on my own and only knew induction. I doubted that my body would go into labor on its own. I did some acupuncture treatments and went for a lot of walks. For every day that I went past my due date, I rewarded myself with small things like getting my favorite food, going thrift shopping, getting coffee by myself and journaling, DIY projects etc. My midwife continued to encourage me to trust my body, that my body WOULD go into labor at the right time and that it’s totally fine to still be pregnant at this point. Within week 40-41, she did a membrane sweep, and I had two acupuncture induction treatments. (Look for non-profit acupuncture circle groups, this was $25/session!) at first I thought I couldn’t afford acupuncture, but once I found this I went for it! I also started nipple stimulation, which seemed to help as well.

At 40+6 weeks, I went for a walk and finally accepted that no matter how it turned out, it would be a beautiful birth. Even if it was not a home birth like I wanted and even if I had to get induced, whatever was safest for the baby, that’s what needs to be done and I would make the best of it! I’m pretty sure this mental change of mind helped bring on labor. Once I was finally able to let go and accept that I couldn’t control it, but I could make the best of however things turned out, I had peace of mind and that definitely helped with relaxation to bring on labor.

Later that afternoon, at 40+6, I started feeling crampy at 2pm when I laid down to take a nap. I ignored it and went about my day, continuing to feel the cramps. I knew it would probably happen within the next few days. At 2am that night, I woke up because the cramps started getting stronger and I started timing them with the Freya app. My 2 year old came into our bed that night and I think cuddling with her relaxed me and helped to get things going as well.

I woke up at 7am, showered, made breakfast and told my husband that it was happening and that the baby would be here today. I just knew. At around 8am the surges became stronger and closer together than 10 minutes. My husband started packing the bag for the two older girls, started to set up the birth pool, got snacks ready for the midwives and he also finished putting frosting on his cake because baking is his new hobby and really relaxes him (!!) No biggie, don’t mind me in labor over here!

I texted my midwife and told her that the surges were getting closer together but I was still normal in between. She said, once the older girls get picked up, things would probably progress faster. That’s exactly what happened. The grandparents came at 10am, and the moment they were out of the door, the surges came almost back to back and shortly after, the app told me I was now in established labor. This moment felt so good!

Through every surge, I leaned forward on the birth ball and squeezed a comb. I’d recommend a stress ball because my hands wouldn’t open afterwards because I pressed so hard! I focused on breathing and felt so in control through every surge! The illustration with the blood and oxygen going to the uterus while you breathe and remain calm was the most eye opening thing for me in the course. For the first time I wasn’t afraid and I communicated with my baby and body through every surge. I had my birth affirmations internalized at that point and those really helped me to feel strong and calm and in control.

The midwives arrived at 10.30 am and then the surges became more powerful, so I got into the pool. They never checked me (dilation) once but rather just let me do my thing! The water felt SO GOOD. I leaned over it and I continued to press into the comb. It wasn’t long until my waters broke and I started pushing in the pool on my knees. My midwife caught it very quickly that this wasn’t working though, because my legs were too clenched. She got me out and on a birth stool in front of the couch, my husband sitting on the couch behind me and she told me that I will push the head out on the stool, and that they will turn me on to all fours after that to push out the rest. Three more pushes and the head was out, then another minute and the rest came out.

After that, the midwives took their time checking on me and the baby, they stitched my second degree tear and we all had tea together. They also made me lots of toast and butter. It was amazing. It was the best feeling to hop into my own bed afterwards and rest. She was born at 12.05 pm, our older girls came back at 3pm and my parents who were flying in from Switzerland (we live in the USA) landed at 4pm and were at our house at 6pm. The timing could not have been better.

It was the most empowering, peaceful and beautiful birth experience and I’m convinced that my postpartum experience was way better because of the positive birth this time!

It was incredible to be so in tune with my body and to FEEL my BODY doing the work, and then just fully trust that and flow with it! I’ve never experienced this before, because of having the epidural - it felt like my body and head were disconnected there. This time was one of the most amazing feelings.

The up breathing was my no.1 tool, and I am now recommending the PBC course to every pregnant woman because it’s literally changed my entire view of childbirth and I’m SO thankful I’ve found it!


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Birth story - Mum and baby boy


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