Birth story - Tânia and baby Zara

*Trigger warning* - contractions, possible growth restriction.

Pregnancy was straight forward until the last weeks. I had a bit of bleeding and was referred for a colposcopy which showed everything was fine.

I had an extra growth scan and the baby had dropped from the 23rd to 11th percentile. At 35 weeks the doctor said that I should book an induction for 37 weeks a or c-section as it looked like the baby wasn’t growing as much as she should anymore and that could bring some risks. I declined and chose to go for an extra scan and come in straight away if I noticed any reduced movements.

Just before we hit 38 weeks I thought I couldn’t feel the baby moving as much and went in for a monitoring… at that point the doctor said my options were to come in every day for a monitoring (which wouldn’t be booked, I’d have to wait every day for how long it would take) or I could book an induction. I said “ok, you win…” and went home that day (Wednesday). I later got a phone call to come in as a room was ready.

I was 1cm dilated when they inserted the pessary and the midwife said they’d have no trouble breaking my waters. I had to wait until Saturday for a delivery room to became available as they kept getting new emergencies (every day the doctor would say “oh, you’re next on the list”! he even said “don’t bother ordering lunch”, good job they took my order anyway!). Luckily my boyfriend was able to visit me and we watched lots of films, went for walks, ate lots of snacks!

Finally Saturday at 3.30 pm I was taken to the delivery room and they broke my waters. I was so excited!!! The Midwife said she might not deliver my baby as her shift was finishing at 8… I said “I’ll make sure she’s here before!”. I had my Freya app on all through contractions and asked for paracetamol but threw it up straight away. The next time she checked to see how dilated I was… I was 10cm!! I asked for gas and air and after 15 minutes of pushing my baby was out at 19.09! She decided to come with her head and arm at the same time so I had a tiny tear but chose not to get stitches

I wouldn’t have had such a positive experience without the Positive Birth Company - I felt so prepared. Not the pool birth I thought I’d have… but probably better!

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