Birth story - Rebekah and baby Emmett

Rebekah is a first time mum who was induced in hospital and ended up having an unplanned cesarean, at 38 weeks + 4 days. Her labour did not progress as she had hoped but she says, ‘Though I don’t want to do it all again, I would do it in a heartbeat for him.’ Read her birth story here…

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Birth story - Charli and baby Daphne

Charli is a third time mum who had a cesarean at 38 weeks + 4 days, due to preeclampsia. She says, ‘cannot recommend the PBC enough. I don’t think I’d have ever had the bravery or strength to get through this without the knowledge and tools of the course.’ Read her story here…

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Birth story - Elizabeth and baby girl

Elizabeth is a first time mum who was induced, due to pre-eclampsia, and had her baby at 39 weeks + 4 days. She completed the digital pack and says, ‘I loved learning about the science behind labour and delivery and will continue to apply the skills I learnt to daily life.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Jenna and baby Margot

Jenna is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital, by unplanned cesarean, at 38 weeks. She says, ‘I may not have got the birth I wanted but I managed to implement tools and parts of my PBC programme into the birth to make it an experience I could control and I am proud I did it.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Rosie and baby Ellis

Rosie is a first time mum who had an unplanned cesarean at 36 weeks + 3 days, during the coronavirus pandemic. She says, ‘the course gave me the confidence needed to navigate difficult decisions’ and to be ‘at peace’ with how her baby entered the world. Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Arushi and baby Anjali

Arushi is a first time mum who had an unplanned cesarean at 36 weeks, due to pre-eclampsia, during the coronavirus pandemic. Although she did not have the most positive pre and postnatal journey, she experienced a positive birth accompanied by her playlist and hypnobirthing breathing techniques. Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Caroline and baby Alexandra

Caroline is a first time mum who had an unplanned cesarean at 39 weeks + 6 days, during the coronavirus pandemic. With thanks to the digital pack, she was able to trust her instincts and remain calm and focused throughout her whole birth experience. Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Lauren and babies Lewis and Imogen

Lauren gave birth to her twins in hospital at 36 weeks + 2 days. She knew that her birth would likely be medicalised but used the digital pack to arm herself with tools, such as breathing techniques, to help during labour. She went on to have a very positive and speedy birth experience. Read her story here…

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