Birth story - Hannah and baby Ivy
On Thursday the 25th of March, after a second stint of reduced movement I was brought in for monitoring. Baby was fine but the nurses decided to send me for a scan just to be sure everything was okay. The next day I was having my scan and baby was happy and healthy! The sonographer was finishing up when she asked ‘do you know she’s breech?’!
I was sent back to the maternity ward. A doctor then came to speak to me and asked me what I wanted to do. I used my B.R.A.I.N and asked for all my options and the benefits and risks of each one. This was particularly helpful for me since I had to make decisions without my partner being there for help and support. I decided on a ECV to give baby a chance to turn and if there was no luck I would opt for an elective c-section. Since this was my first baby I didn’t want to attempt a breech birth.
The Monday morning I was on the labour ward waiting for the two doctors to perform my ECV. My partner couldn’t be with me so I used my breathing techniques to calm myself, reciting positive affirmations that even if baby didn’t turn she knows when and how she will be born! The procedure was uncomfortable but my hypnobirthing breathing techniques helped me try the procedure 3 times before we decided baby wasn’t budging! I was scheduled for a section on the 13th of April, well after my due date which wasn’t ideal but I left positive that I now knew when my baby would be born.
A few days later however I had severe swelling in my hands and feet as well a constant headache. Going back to hospital for monitoring and tests it was found I had pre- eclampsia so I was admitted to have my BP monitored as well as baby and it was decided my c-section would be brought forward for mine and babies safety. I was defeated and emotionally drained from not having my partner with me but I decided if I was meeting my daughter tomorrow I would enjoy the whole journey leading up to it!
The morning of my section I showered, curled my hair and put on some make up. Since my section was technically planned but they were doing it as unplanned I wouldn’t know for certain I was having the section until I was walking to theatre but I knew today was the day! I grabbed my bags and called my partner to meet me outside the maternity ward as we’d been given the go ahead to walk to the labour ward so he could finally be with me! I met my wonderful midwife and after the paper work was signed we were off to theatre!
I was so excited and smiled the whole walk down filled with so much joy knowing I would soon meet my baby! My partner sat next to me during the birth and we smiled and chatted to the nurses. We had been practicing light touch massage as part of my original birth plan and he continued this through the birth, along my arms and shoulders reciting affirmations and supporting me the whole way! Although I was numb to pain the birth process was truly incredible. I felt her being lifted out of my stomach and onto my legs and before the surgeon even had a chance I looked to my partner and said ‘she’s here!’ At 10:05am on good Friday our daughter was born weighing a healthy 7lb 8.5oz.
Although my birth and the run up to it didn’t go as planned, thanks to the positive birth company, I felt fully in control and can honestly say I had a fully positive birth experience!

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