*Trigger warning* - talk of eclamptic seizure after giving birth.

When I found out I was pregnant in September 2020, I was given information left right and centre and hypnobirthing was recommended. So around 4 weeks pregnant my husband and I started the positive birth companies hypnobirthing course and postpartum pack. After completing the course early on, I felt I was ready to take on anything that was thrown at me, question why (using my B.R.A.I.N) which I did.

During my pregnancy I started to feel symptoms of breathlessness/fast heart beat and sweating. I visited the hospital and, upon hearing my symptoms, a doctor told me that she thought I may have a lung clot. She said I had to be admitted into hospital there and then, that I’d have to start on blood thinning medication and that I’d need a scan (I was told the radiation could affect my baby). I was completely taken aback and questioned the doctor on the benefits, risks, alternatives and what would happen if I did nothing? She wasn’t happy about this and I then asked for a second opinion from another doctor who upon listening to my symptoms and examining me told me I had heartburn and indigestion, prescribed me some Gaviscon and sent me home. Which actually helped my symptoms and I felt so empowered knowing that I didn’t just blindly follow the doctor because she was a person of authority and actually questioned her and the outcome was completely different!

I had planned for a water birth, completed my hypnobirthing and postpartum courses, packed my hospital bags and written a very detailed birth plan (following the template) and I was ready for my birth. At 37 weeks pregnant I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia after my blood results came back extremely deranged and my kidney levels had been 3x higher than the normal levels. I was told that my kidneys could be permanently damaged and I could need to be on dialysis for the rest of my life if I wasn’t induced quickly. I once again questioned the doctors using (B.R.A.I.N). I asked for another set of blood results and went home. My blood results came back worse the following day and I agreed to an induction because I knew I’d explored all avenues and it was the best thing for me.

Upon being induced I was told that I would a first and then a second pessary, I’d then need a syntocinon drip and I knew from the course that staying calm and active would help to bring on my labour. I was induced at 5pm on Sunday the 23rd of may, I stayed active walking around the hospital and at 9pm I felt mild contractions and I knew my labour had started.

I used the Freya app throughout my pregnancy and throughout my labour to keep myself calm and bring myself from amber to green. I stayed active, walking around the hospital, squatting up and down the stairs and using my birth ball. I used my up breathing throughout my labour and as my surges became more powerful, I took paracetamol once and continued to remain as active as possible. At around 1am I laid down to get some rest and at 2am I was awoken by a loud pop and my waters had broken naturally without the need for a sweep.

At around 5:30am I told the midwife that I felt the need to push and I was told that she wouldn’t check how far dilated I was as she believed I would be disappointed with an outcome of 1-2 cm. I then told the midwife again, ‘you need to check me as I feel the need to push.’ When she checked she was so shocked to see that I was 8cm dilated! I was then taken to the labour ward where I was on all fours, down breathing my baby out and at 6:12am she was born into this world!

Up until this point my birth had been incredible, as soon as my daughter arrived into this world I unfortunately straight after suffered from an eclamptic seizure and was kept in intensive care for a week to monitor my blood pressure, blood levels and to check for brain damage/bleeding. I suffered a 2nd degree tear and required stitches. Thankyou to the positive birth company for allowing me to go through my pregnancy completely informed of my choices and allow my labour to be as natural and as beautiful as possible!


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Birth story - Harriet and baby Sienna


Birth story - Rebecca and baby Eloise