Birth story - Roxanne and baby Leo

Planned: water birth at MLU

Actual: Induction and birth on labour ward, Blackpool Victoria Hospital

Triggers: preeclampsia, stretch & sweep, episiotomy.

I know most people say it, but I can’t believe it’s my time to share my story! I found reading everyone’s stories so helpful and they became part of my evening.


After our wedding was cancelled due to the Coronavirus, my fiancé and I decided not to prolong our trying for a baby any longer and I fell pregnant in May. Apart from morning sickness I had a lovely, straight forward pregnancy and enjoyed reading the PBC book and planning my desired water birth. I had done next to no research about the process of giving birth before having my daughter 10 years ago and I felt strongly that I wanted to be more informed this time. At 28 weeks my midwife informed me my bump was measuring small and I was referred for growth scans from 30 weeks. Each time baby was measuring small but I was told all was not lost for my birth plan as long as baby continued to grow along the same line, and at 36 weeks the consultant signed me off for a water birth. Fast forward a couple of days to Friday 22nd Jan at my routine midwife apt and she detected protein in my urine and high blood pressure. I was sent up to the maternity day unit for monitoring and that afternoon preeclampsia was confirmed. The doctor came to see me to discuss options and she told me that due to my blood pressure, and with baby being small, she felt that an induction for the following Monday was the safest option. As my partner couldn’t be there due to Covid restrictions I used my BRAIN and agreed to this, given the risks posed to my baby. She told me I would need to be admitted then to start blood pressure medication, which I agreed to.


The next day (Saturday 23rd Jan) the consultant came to see me to tell me that there was no improvement to my preeclampsia symptoms so they would like to start the induction the next day. Again, using my BRAIN I agreed based on medical reasoning and I also agreed there was no need to prolong the process.

I was given the 24hr pessary on the Sunday morning and started to feel some light cramping on Sunday evening, but when I woke Monday morning these had stopped. The midwife came to administer the gel mid morning and I started to feel light surges early evening. My fiancé was able to be with me between 8am - 8pm on the ward and supported me as they got stronger. I agreed to an internal examination as another gel was to be administered, and at this time the midwife asked if I would like a membrane sweep if she was able to. I agreed to this as I was keen for the process to progress. She let me know she had been successful and I was 1cm dilated and she had also inserted another gel. I was feeling positive and was confident the evening would be eventful! Sadly as it was now past 8pm my fiancé had to leave, but I told him to keep his phone on loud - just in case!

After this I decided to use information I read in the PBC book and digital pack to help things along. I paced the ward listening to my chosen labour playlist, I used the birthing ball, I had a bath and (the absolute life saver) used the breathing techniques taught to manage my surges, which were really intensifying. My waters went and I knew things were moving along nicely. Due to my preeclampsia I was being closely monitored and I was examined by the doctor at 2am who confirmed I was 2cm. I was a little disheartened as the Freya app indicated I was in active labour, but I kept thinking about the positive affirmations - especially that each surge was bringing me closer to meeting my baby. I continued to breathe through my surges and bounce on ball until the doctor and midwife came again at 4:45am. They didn’t examine me but told me it was time to go down to delivery suite. I text my fiancé, who was already awake luckily, and told him it was time. I was so excited!

Once on delivery suite the plan was my fiancé would get the room ready with tea lights, dim the lights, and set up my playlist on the speaker once he arrived. I was so happy to see him at 5:15am. I agreed to another examination by the doctor and couldn’t believe it when she told me I was fully dilated and it was time push with my next surge! I felt incredibly proud that I had managed all surges alone on the ward with just paracetamol and very quietly due to the other women on the ward! I had a slight wobble though as I realised that we had no time to get the room ready, but my fiancé got the music on which I felt was most important to me. Before I started to push I told the team I wanted skin to skin and delayed cord clamping, and I wanted my fiancé to announce the baby’s sex. They all acknowledged and agreed, and I started pushing. Less than 30 minutes later our baby boy Leo arrived and it was incredible. Due to him being small I was told in the final pushes I would need an episiotomy. I can honestly say this wasn’t bad at all and the recovery has so far been fine from it. We went out for our first walk today and all felt fine


I wanted to share my story as I know the idea of induction can be so daunting - it was the last thing I wanted - but honestly, I had such a positive birth experience. I would like to thank the PBC for the wealth of information and for allowing me to feel in control and happy in my birth. I know that without it my experience would have been very different!


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