Birth story - Emily and baby Boston
*Trigger warning* - Postpartum haemorrhage
I went for my 40 week midwife appointment on my due date and was told I had high blood pressure and protein in my urine, after being sent to triage a doctor explained the protein was high and I had pre-eclampsia and so they recommended immediate induction. I was geared up for a long process and, though nervous about induction as it wasn’t what I’d wanted, I knew it was the best for me and baby.
I had the pessary inserted at 5:30pm and then my partner had to go home. By midnight the contractions got stronger so I was given liquid morphine, I lay on the bed listening to my positive affirmations and relaxing music and used my breathing technique learnt from PBC.
At 5:30 am I jumped up for a blood pressure check and my waters broke! The next contraction was much more intense. After half an hour I asked to be examined as was feeling like I wanted to push, I was 7cm dilated so called my partner to get to hospital fast as I was being moved to delivery.
Once on the delivery ward I was given gas and air straight away, this helped distract me. The midwives were amazing and my partner arrived just as I was getting ready to push! Baby needed some guidance with a suction cup but the doctor said I pushed him out they just guided him. Our beautiful boy was born at 7:50am just 2 hours and 20 minutes after my waters broke weighing 6lb 7oz!
I had a 2nd degree tear so was stitched up and then left to recover. A few hours later I had lots of clotting and 2litre blood loss so was taken to theatre and given an epidural whilst they removed any retained placenta.
The birth itself I found very positive especially as I’d always been fearful of induction. It was very different to what I imagined it, being so fast, but the techniques I learnt from hypnobirthing really helped me stay focused, and breathing and a positive mindset really are the most important things!

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