breech, first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean The Positive Birth Company breech, first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Cassandra and baby Marisol

Cassandra is a first time mum who had a cesarean, due to baby being breech, at 41 weeks + 2 days. She says, ‘To make sure I had the birth I deserved, I advocated for myself, I learned to ask “why?”, educated myself, and trusted my intuition.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Kate and baby Frederich

Kate is a first time mum who had her baby in hospital at 38 weeks + 1 day. She was not sure how she would cope with birth as she suffered with PGP during pregnancy but on reflection she said, ‘birth was the most empowering and beautiful experience of my life.’ Read her birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean, breech The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, planned cesarean, breech The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Annabel and baby girl

Annabel is a first time mum who had a cesarean due to her baby being breech. She completed the digital pack and says she, ‘enjoyed learning about the mental aspect of birth and the breathing,’ which she utilised during her birth. Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Winanda and baby Azzurra

Winanda is a first time mum who was induced and ended up having a cesarean, due to gestational diabetes, at 38 weeks + 5 days. During her labour she felt like a ‘failure’ but on reflection she can see she wasn’t. Read her positive birth company here…

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first time mum, midwife led unit, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, midwife led unit, vaginal birth, water birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Tehlia and baby Arla

Tehlia is a first time mum who had her baby in a midwife led unit at 39 weeks + 6 days. She was able to advocate for herself and make decisions about where and how she would like to birth her baby to help make her birth better. Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, water birth, vaginal birth, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, water birth, vaginal birth, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Emma and baby James

Emma is a first time mum who had her baby in the pool at home at 39 weeks + 2 days, during the coronavirus pandemic. She used facts to support her decision to birth at home, against hospital recommendation, and went on to have a positive experience. Read her birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Lauren and baby Romy

Lauren is a first time mum who had an unplanned cesarean at 42 weeks. She gained tools from the digital pack that enabled her to use BRAIN to make decisions she felt were right for herself and her baby before and during labour. Her labour was very different from the one she had imagined but it was still a positive experience. Read her birth story here…

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