Birth story - Lauren and baby Romy
Tuesday December 17th at 3.19am I had my first long awaited contraction. Long awaited as I was 42 weeks to the day! They tell you your baby can come from 37 weeks onwards so I’d be waiting 5 weeks for this moment!
I had been using the positive birth company throughout all of my pregnancy so I used the tools I’d been given along the way.
During my pregnancy I was high risk due to high BMI so was consultant lead throughout, my doctor and I had agreed if all smooth sailing that I could have my water birth on the labour ward, she respected my wishes to try to avoid an induction and we had a lovely relationship. I wanted a serene, calming, natural relaxed vaginal birth, lots of candles and soothing music and to get into my meditative state - that was the plan!
Week 41 and we went to our doctors appointment to see how my little lady and I were getting on, but this time it was a different consultant as mine was on leave. He said we should have a stretch & sweep which I allowed as I was curious to see if progress was being made, (my decision) this was a lot rougher than when my midwife had done it previously, I did actually tear up after. Anyway I was told we were about 1cm dilated. Then the doctor (who I didn’t like because of the aggressive sweep) then said I HAD to make a decision, are we booking in for induction or a section, he wanted me to make my mind up there and then! But, because I was SAVVY I used my BRAIN! I told the doctor that I will not make my decision today and I will call tomorrow with a plan after I had time to think. As forceful as this doctor was - the PBC had empowered me to make my own decision. I had another week left, I didn’t want to decide yet, I believed my baby would take the decision out of my hands. I called back and left a message saying I would be doing nothing, and I would let nature do it’s thing.
41 weeks and 5 days, I was fed up as nothing had happened and told my midwife to book in an induction (but at least it was my decision) I was to call for a time to come in on the morning of the 17th. The day before my husband and I went on a brisk walk and, I think because of this, at 3.19am we had lift off!! No induction necessary!! Contractions a go-go!
We laboured at home until midday when the Freya app told me to get to hospital (1 every 3 mins) - we were sat in the assessment room for 1hr 30 mins as it was so busy - I seemed to be the only woman in there contracting, but I managed to focus and bring my contractions back to 1 in 5 (Your contractions can slow down or stop due to disruptions such as travel). We were then assessed and sent straight to labour ward as little lady’s heart rate was dropping with every contraction.
We were given a nice room, spacious but no pool for a water birth but I didn’t mind at this stage, I was just excited!! We met our midwife who I didn’t click with, she didn’t ask us about our birth preferences and didn’t look at my plan, she seemed very medical oriented. She wanted me strapped to the bed to monitor baby with the belts, but the belts wouldn’t stay in place and it was frustrating. They then decided the best thing was to monitor by putting a clip on baby girls head, although I didn’t want this I knew it was the best thing for my baby so agreed to it.
The midwife couldn’t find my cervix when trying to fit the clip, she tried 3 times. This is a good time to mention that I had contracted thrush 4 days prior and every exam was agony, much worse than the pain of a contraction. Then they called the head midwife in to examine me, she also couldn’t find my cervix! They then called a consultant in, who finally found it - and confirmed I was only 2cms dilated (I’d been in labour 15 hours) he struggled and struggled to get the clip on her head and the pain from the thrush and exam was a lot! With all this I couldn’t get in to my calm meditative state that I had wanted and I believe that’s why I felt pain, because it wasn’t the muscles of a contraction that hurt, it was pain from thrush. He then questioned me if my waters had broke, I didn’t know if they had, I was 42 weeks pregnant so any cough, sneeze or laugh I would end up with a little pee so I hadn’t noticed any waters. The consultant couldn’t tell from examining me if they had gone or not! I was getting down and frustrated at this point, contractions had slowed down and almost stopped due to stress. I lost all faith with the midwives and consultant.
The consultant then started pushing the hormone drip to induce me and get things moving. To which I said “no wonder my contractions have stopped, look at all the stress you are putting on my body and my emotions - leave me alone and let me labour like nature intended!” They agreed and left me to it. And finally I got my contractions back and I could get in my zone with my breathing.
However in the next hour the baby’s heart rate was dropping so I made the decision I would like a c section over the induction.
It was the best decision. From that moment my whole experience turned around. The staff were amazing, the anaesthetist was so warm and reassuring, we had a new midwife, every thing was just calming and cheerful and amazing. Romy Louisa was born 8.29pm Tuesday 17th December by c section.
Although nothing went to plan - in the end I’m so glad I got to labour naturally when my baby was ready to come out. The PBC gave me so much information and confidence in myself that I made all the right decisions for myself and my baby. If it wasn’t for them I know I would’ve been bullied into induction or an early section.
As soon as we made the decision for a section - it was the most positive birth experience I could’ve asked for. I look back and feel so happy about it.
Thank you Positive Birth Company!
Ps - recovery from the section was fab - nothing to worry about!

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