first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Jodie and baby Joshua

Jodie is a first time mum who had an eventful birth which ended in an unplanned cesarean. Contrary to the ‘horror’ people responded with when told her story she says, ‘It was unlike anything I've experienced before, but it was amazing.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Meri and baby Alpi

Meri is a second time mum who had a water birth in hospital, following induction. The digital pack enhanced her birth experience, she says, ‘I have never been more in tune with my body and felt more powerful and confident as I felt during this birth.’

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Birth story - Emma and baby boy

Emma is a first time mum who was induced, in hospital, at 37 weeks + 3 days, due to Gestational diabetes and reduced foetal growth rate. Thanks to hypnobirthing she was able to advocate for herself and help to ‘make her birth better.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Winanda and baby Azzurra

Winanda is a first time mum who was induced and ended up having a cesarean, due to gestational diabetes, at 38 weeks + 5 days. During her labour she felt like a ‘failure’ but on reflection she can see she wasn’t. Read her positive birth company here…

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first time mum, breech, hospital birth, pre-eclampsia, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, breech, hospital birth, pre-eclampsia, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Hannah and baby Ivy

Hannah is a first time mum who had her baby by unplanned cesarean, due to baby being breech and pre-eclampsia diagnosis. She used hypnobirthing tools to navigate pregnancy and birth and says she had, ‘a fully positive birth experience.’ Read her birth story here…

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hospital birth, vaginal birth, Second Time Mum The Positive Birth Company hospital birth, vaginal birth, Second Time Mum The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Lisa and baby Lyle

Lisa is a second time mum who had her baby in hospital at 41 weeks + 5 days. As she was ‘overdue’ the hospital were keen to intervene but she says, ‘PBC supplied me with the tools I needed to trust in my body and the natural process and I am so glad I did.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, induction, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, induction, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Nadiah and baby Jonah

Nadiah is a first time mum who was induced in hospital and went on to have an unplanned cesarean, at 40 weeks + 2 days. Hypnobirthing enabled her to think positively about labour and to use BRAIN to make the best decisions for her and her baby. Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Alessandra and baby Arthur

Alessandra is a first time mum who had her baby in hospital at 42 weeks. Before becoming pregnant she was ‘terrified of birth’ but after her birth she said, ‘[hypnobirthing] gave me a strong toolkit to turn any labour experience into a positive and informed one.’ Read her birth story here…

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Birth story - Mum and baby boy

This mum was induced in hospital at 38 weeks + 2 days, due to Gestational diabetes. She was in control, using BRAIN, to make decisions as to where she wanted to birth and says, ‘I can honestly say that was one of the best experiences of my life and I’m so proud of myself.’

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water birth, vaginal birth, Second Time Mum, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company water birth, vaginal birth, Second Time Mum, Home Birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Sophie and baby boy

Sophie is a second time mum who had her baby in a pool at home at 40 weeks. She says, ‘I have learnt so much from doing the course twice and have highly recommended it to friends and family that have then gone on to have positive births.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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