Birth story - Megan and baby boy
*Trigger warning* - use of word contraction
Just sharing my story because I am really proud of it and it is one of those "trust your gut" scenarios! My baby had been monitored heavily in the third trimester for appearing small on ultrasounds. I had a marginal placental cord insertion they were worried could lead to less nutrients. We went from 15%, to 11%, to 2.5%, and finally around 3% two days before delivery. Doctors were worried my boy would not even hit 5lb . Two days before delivery he was estimated around 5lb 4oz on one chart. Mom and dad are both short small people so I always had a feeling he was fine just small.
My original plan was to labor at home as long as possible with my doula and go to the hospital when I could not take it anymore. It was emotionally difficult on me to realize I needed to likely let go of that dream as we navigated the third trimester. My doctors continued to be concerned over his size and mentioned that induction would be highly likely in my scenario. On Wednesday March 23 I had an ob appointment in the morning . We originally discussed inducing that evening, but at the appointment I explained I just wasn't comfortable with that and asked her if we could please push it out farther and add more monitoring. She agreed and I finally let go and decided that the Monday following would be acceptable to me. This was a tough decision but if he really was small I wanted to do what's best. Leaving that appointment our plan was induction. I felt at peace with it finally.
During the morning of that appointment I had been feeling a little crampy but ignored it. I told my husband it was probably Braxton Hicks. They did say I was 3cm 75% effaced though. I was 100% convinced and on board with Monday being the day I got to see my baby. He had other ideas!! The cramps continued through the afternoon and I walked my dogs and tried to ignore them. A few of my friends said it sounded like contractions and I should time them. They were around 5 minutes apart. I kept thinking of "once you can't talk it's time to go" though, and I could still talk, so I was fine. I spoke to my doula and she agreed I sounded okay.
My contractions started to come on about every 2 min - this all ramped up over the course of just an hour or two. I was still doing fine just breathing. I stayed moving the entire time. Laying down made me feel infinitely worse. My ball felt okay and I just focused on letting my body accept the contractions and breathing. Even here I was still talking to people and calm.
Around 4:30 pm I felt something and had bloody mucus come out. I started to accept this is probably labor at this stage (late I know lol ). But my water hadn't broken so I did not want to go to the hospital. This whole time my husband was in a business call and my doula was waiting for me to call her. After I saw the blood I knocked on his door and asked him to come sit with me. About 30 min later things started to get REALLY intense. I started vocalizing a little and was nearly brought to my knees with each contraction but I still wanted to stand up. At this point my husband was SHOCKED I apparently spent the whole afternoon laboring alone and he dragged me to the hospital lol. In the car I panicked at one moment when I felt something switch and the urge to push. I re-centered myself though and said not yet, not in the car. I did have one comment I now realize was transition, I told my husband I'd be so upset if I arrived at the hospital only 4-5cm and I didn't know if I could do this for another 12 hours. I said I would probably die lol.
We got to the hospital a little after 6 and they immediately threw me in a wheelchair and RAN me to delivery after I told them I felt like I was going to poop. I was 10cm with waters bulging. They wouldn't let me push yet until they had IV placed and the doctor, so I asked for the peanut ball and begrudgingly waited. Finally they broke my water a few min later and told me I could push. Pushing felt so empowering!! My first two pushes I didn't do my down breathing correct and they felt 'wrong', but then I remembered to direct it down and things progressed so nicely after that. I was so excited to feel the ring of fire because I knew it meant he was close.
I pushed for about 15-20 min. My poor doula didn't make it in time because I kept telling her I was okay and it happened so fast. During pushing When his head came out they told me the hard part was over and I sighed and asked them why I didn't feel better yet. They said "you're about to !" And his body slid out . The whole time I was so focused and centered I was able to talk to them. I didn't even cry or think about pain meds. I just was on a mission.
And my boy was not small, not growth restricted! He was a healthy 6lb 8.6oz! Over a full pound and a quarter off from an ultra sound two days prior. Ironically I fought against the Wednesday induction and he decided to come on his own Wednesday anyway. The whole time I felt like he needed to come on his own and that he was fine, and he was.
So this was my story of accepting my perfect plan birth wasn't going to happen and having it happen anyway.

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