Birth story - Lisa and baby Lyle

I practised (a different) Hypnobirthing throughout my first pregnancy which was useful up until a point during labour but I ended up having an epidural and forceps for that birth.

This time I really wanted to have, and experience, a natural labour. My friend bought me the subscription to PBC after I was complaining that I felt unprepared! I watched those videos most nights from 35weeks and I felt so much more prepared and knowledgeable for my upcoming labour.

I want to share my story because I was 12 days past my ‘due date’. If I hadn’t watched PBC I’m sure I would have had a sweep and been induced. PBC supplied me with the tools I needed to trust in my body and the natural process and I am so glad I did. I genuinely hadn’t expected to go so far past my due date (I was 5 days over with my 1st when labour began). But I felt confident refusing sweeps and postponing induction (I was booked in for 14 days past due date). I did have a sweep booked for 12 days over but never needed this appointment as my waters broke early in the morning.

After my waters broke (4am) I called the Hospital who said to go in to be assessed (I was not contracting). We arrived at 6am and they monitored the baby and checked if my waters had broken. They suggested if labour had not begun within 24hours I would need to come back to be induced, however, I felt strongly that things were happening on their own accord and the Consultant agreed that I could return in 24hours for further foetal monitoring instead.

I had mild cramps throughout the day and by 4pm my surges were happening every 20 - 30mins. I had also read Ina May Gaskin’s book so at this point we went for a walk in the woods! When we got home I put my headphones on and listened to the Freya app until my surges were 2mins apart.

We had a VERY intense drive to the Hospital (I had the Freya app on the whole time) and arrived at 8.40pm. I was 8cm and rushed to the labour ward. The midwives were amazing and very supportive of my birth preferences. I gave birth naturally to a 10lb 9oz baby without any pain relief in an UFO position. We delayed clamping the cord, had a golden 2 hours and a natural third stage - all of which would not have happened had I not been gifted the PBC!

I did have a 2nd degree tear but my recovery was quick and easy. So much better than my first labour. I am absolutely delighted that I had such a positive experience and managed a natural labour which is exactly what I wanted.


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