Positive Birth Stories
Read real, positive birth stories from our community. From inductions, C-sections, twin births, vbac, homebirths, water birth, elective c-sections, second time mum births and more there’s hundred’s of birth stories for you to read. Looking for a particular kind of birth story? You can use our search bar or filter below to find it. If you would like to submit your own birth story, please do so here.
Birth type
- Birth Centre
- Group B Strep
- Home Birth
- Second Time Mum
- breech
- fifth time mum
- first time mum
- fourth time mum
- gentle cesarean
- gestational diabetes
- home birth
- hospital birth
- induction
- midwife led unit
- natural twin birth
- obstetric cholestasis
- planned cesarean
- pre-eclampsia
- second time mum
- third time mum
- twin pregnancy
- unplanned cesarean
- vaginal birth
- water birth
Birth story - Beccy and baby Blair
Beccy is a second time mum who had an induction at her local hospital. She completed the digital pack and went on to have a positive birth experience. Read her story here…
Birth story - Hannah and baby Penny
Hannah is a second time mum who gave birth in her local hospital at 40 weeks + 8 days. She used the digital pack and found it helped her to remain focussed and calm throughout her labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Kate and baby girl
Kate is a second time mum who had her baby girl in her local hospital. Her waters broke and labour did not start naturally so Kate had to have an induction to help kickstart the birthing process. This is exactly the scenario that she was hoping to avoid but after using BRAIN she knew it was the right thing in the end. Her friend bought her the digital pack and she found it an invaluable resource. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Lisa and baby Brody
Lisa is a second time mum who had an unplanned caesarean at her local hospital. She completed the digital pack which helped her to feel empowered and able to deal with situations which arose during her labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Beth and baby boy
Beth is a second time mum who had a wonderful water birth at home with amazing support from close family and friends. She completed the digital pack and used it to help her emotional homebirth. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Chelsea and baby Elora
Chelsea is a second time mum who birthed her baby unexpectedly at home. She used the digital pack to help her through her labour, and found the breathing and positive affirmations most useful. Read her speedy birth story here…
Birth story - Cat and baby Rowan
Cat is a second time mum who gave birth in the pool at her local midwife led unit at 41 weeks + 3 days. She used the digital pack and went on to have a natural, positive birth experience. Read her story here…
Birth story - Cheryl and baby Jude
Cheryl’s birth was significantly different to the one she had planned but the digital pack and hypnobirthing techniques helped her to remain calm and make the best of the situation. She is a second time mum who gave birth in the lift at her local hospital! Read her rather speedy and empowering birth story here…
Birth story - Claire and baby Victoria
Claire is a second time mum wqho gave birth at her local midwifery led unit at 41 weeks + 1 day. She used knowledge gained from the digital pack to help her remain calm and focused. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Hayley and baby Aubrey
Hayley is a second time mum who gave birth at her local hospital. She used the digital pack to help her achieve her natural and super speedy birth! Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Lindsay and baby Lily
Lindsay is a second time mum who gave birth at her local midwife led unit. She completed the digital pack and went on to have her second positive waterbirth. Read her story here…
Birth story - Kate and baby
Kate is a second time mum who gave birth at her local hospital at 40 weeks + 3 days. She had started to feel negatively about labour so she completed the digital pack to help her combat those thoughts! Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Laura and baby Alfie
Laura is a second time mum who gave birth at her local hospital at 40 weeks + 7 days. Her labour took an unexpected course but she used what she learnt from the digital pack to make informed decisions that she felt were best for her and her baby. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Grace and baby Ava
Grace is a second time mum who was induced at her local hospital at 42 weeks. She completed the digital pack and went on to have a positive birth experience. Read her story here…
Birth story - Olivia and baby Henry
Olivia is a second time mum who gave birth at her local midwife led unit at 39 weeks + 5 days. She had an epidural with her first birth and was keen to have minimum intervention this time around, so she completed the digital pack. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Hannah and baby Nate
Hannah gave birth to her baby boy at her local hospital at 39 weeks. She has previously had twins and decided this time to dip into the digital pack to help her along. She found the positive affirmations were a great help throughout her labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Jess and baby Ivy
Jess is a second time mum who was induced in hopsital at 37 weeks. She used the digital pack which helped her to remain calm and focused throughout labour. Read her positive birth story here…
Birth story - Sarah and baby Max
Sarah is a second time mum who had a positive VBAC at her local midwife led unit in the pool. She used the information from the digital pack to help make informed decisions and push for her birth preferences which went against ‘hospital recommendations’ but were deemed to be safe for her and her baby. Read her birth story here…
Birth story - Simone and baby Jonah
Simone is a second time mum who gave birth at home at 40 weeks + 5 days. She completed the digital pack and went on to have a positive and very speedy birth. Read here birth story here…
Birth story - Jolande and baby Jönah
Jolande is a second time mum who achieved a positive VBAC at her local hospital after induction at 42 weeks. She attended a hypnobirthing course in Birmingham and used the information and techniques gained from it during her labour. Read her story here…