Birth story - Hannah and baby Nate
I had a traumatic time with my first pregnancy and birth. I had MCDA twins and it's fair to say that the whole idea of two babies was overwhelming me. I did the classic "it's going to happen anyway so there's no point thinking about it" and left all birth decisions up to the medical staff looking after me. Luckily my boys were both absolutely fine (weighing in at 7lb9oz and 7lb3oz ) and it was only me that suffered after a 3 day induction, emergency caesarean and pretty hefty PPH.
Anyway travel onwards 2 years and we decided to brave it again, thankfully just one baby this time (twins are magical but I did not want to do it ever again!). I had to be consultant led, although as all my issues previously had been twin related no one was particularly concerned about this time.
As I thought about the inevitable arrival of the next little one I found myself thinking that all I wanted was to be left alone and have the shortest hospital stay possible. My consultant was totally on board with all of this, although wanted me in hospital to deliver in case of any scar rupture or haemorrhage.
Then I stumbled on the Positive Birth Company on YouTube and slowly my mindset began to change. I began to listen to the positive affirmations daily and felt totally relaxed about the whole situation. When labour started after a sweep at 39 weeks I spent the entire day while my boys were at nursery and my husband was at work chilling out; cooking dinner, reading a magazine and generally making the most of what I figured might be my last day of peace for a while. We went into hospital that evening when the boys were in bed. I was already 5cm dilated and was managing the surges completely by breathing, I actually felt excited to be feeling them and I had no fear whatsoever. Things progressed steadily and with gas and air and pethadene I gave birth to a beautiful 9lb9oz baby boy at 3:35am. There were definitely moments that I felt overwhelmed but the affirmations kept resounding in my head and I focused on my breathing rather than the surges.
I didn't do the whole digital pack but looking back I think it could have been an even more incredible experience if I had. I recommend it to everyone I know who is pregnant, it completely changed my experience.
I left hospital at 10am that day not only with a gorgeous baby boy but also feeling like a superwoman. My body has done the most amazing thing and I feel completely different towards my postpartum body than I did after my first birth. Looking back, and when people ask how the birth was, I honestly say it was amazing and I never understood this before but it really was one of the best experiences of my life!

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