Birth story - Lisa and baby Brody
Well it was supposed to be a VBAC, however I knew the chances were slim given my first baby was delivered by c section at 11lb 5oz after an induction where I only got to 3cm dilated. I had been considering an elective c section this time as I knew I would probably have another big baby, but after getting the digital pack I decided to go for the VBAC anyway.
My waters broke (just a few trickles that kept going) on Friday night into Saturday, so I went into hospital to be checked out and knew I would likely be offered an induction if labour hadn't started within 24 hours as exactly the same thing happened with my first baby. Due to my history and the time it took to be seen, I was kept in on the Saturday as induction would be offered that evening. I was disappointed not to be able to go home and try and get things started naturally in a comfortable environment, but luckily I had packed everything ready for if I was kept in so I was able to make the most of the space we were given. While we waited my partner and I were able to walk around a lovely but small nature reserve outside the hospital and did things like the light touch massage outside on a balmy summers evening which was very relaxing!
Unfortunately nothing had started by 10pm that evening which was 24 hours from when my waters broke and when induction was being discussed. Using the confidence I had gained from the digital pack I declined induction at 10 and was able to wait until 10am the following morning before having to accept that nothing had started naturally and there was now the risk of infection if I didn't proceed.
So I went on the hormone drip at 10am and did 12 hours of contractions using up breathing, and later gas and air for pain relief. The up breathing kept me focused and I was amazed how long I kept going using it without any other intervention. I was able to keep active despite being wired up for continuous monitoring (there was no wireless monitor available) but because of the position of the baby the connection kept being lost which was hindering the monitoring and starting to cause stress all round as it only seemed to work when I was still! As it was known how much I wanted to keep active they tried a different form of monitoring which involved an attachment to the baby's head. It was during this procedure that I accepted gas and air and I then was able to use it as needed alongside up breathing which really helped.
The experience of contractions in labour using these techniques meant it was very different from my previous experience of being induced. I felt confident and in control despite the continuous monitoring which I had wanted to avoid. The midwives respected my birth preference plan and I felt supported in my choices.
Unfortunately I have a cervix that apparently doesn't play ball. When I was measured at 6pm I was 3cm dilated, but 4 hours later I was still only 3cm.
As I was expecting a big baby and was extremely exhausted from lack of sleep the previous three nights, using my BRAIN with my partner we decided to request a C section. This didn't go as smoothly as I hoped, and I won't go into any detail on that except to say the staff at my local hospital were amazing throughout! And at the end I delivered a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Brody Rey is 9lb 7oz of pure lushness and despite how things went I am really proud of my birth story, because despite things going not to plan in a number of ways I felt so empowered throughout the experience I can now only look back on it as extremely positive! I did everything I could to achieve a VBAC and though it didn't happen I don't feel bad for 'failing to progress', I feel proud at how much I managed to achieve. I still feel good about how things went and the outcome and I think that is the gift of Siobhan's course :-) So I think this is a good example of how you can have a positive experience even when things don't go to plan at all if you are able to feel good about it anyway!

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