Birth story - Jess and baby Ivy
Firstly thank you Siobhan, your digital pack helped me to birth my baby confidently and calmly. I am eternally grateful for the positive experience you allowed me to have.
Just a little background - this is my second baby and my second induction. This time around I had been planning a home birth and was so excited. However at 33 weeks we found out that baby was growth restricted so I transferred to consultant led care and began twice weekly CTG monitoring. My experience had changed over night from what I had wanted but I was determined to stay positive. I was induced at 37 weeks after it was determined that baby was better out than in.
My induction began in the morning. I was already dilated to just under 2cm so there was no need for the pessary and I could have my waters broken. We were transferred to labour and delivery where I was taken into a room. I lay down on the bed and after some conversation about what to expect the midwife broke my waters.
I spent the next 4 hours with my husband walking, bouncing on the birth ball, listening to music, eating and drinking. We dimmed the lights and placed candles around the room. I was feeling very positive and even a little bit emotional at how in control and ready I felt. I had a few irregular surges but nothing that made me feel labour was any where near.
At midday I was put on the drip. I insisted on sitting on a birth ball rather than the bed and although I had to be continuously monitored I felt surprisingly calm. As the surges began I listened to my birth playlist and breathed through each one using up breathing. It was a complete game changer for me! I felt in control and incredibly relaxed. Within a few hours the surges were 3 in 10mins and were gaining in intensity. I continued to close my eyes, breathed through each one and used my visualisations.
Unfortunately baby’s heartbeat wasn’t picking up well on the monitor and due to her size and therefore vulnerability I was told I needed to lie on the bed so a probe could be put on baby’s head. This took me out of my zone but it was necessary. I asked to be checked and the midwife told me I was only 3cm. I couldn’t believe it, I was sure I was further along.
And so the wobble began.... I used gas and air and then started asking for pain relief as my surges intensified. My husband rubbed my back continuously which really helped and constantly reassured me that I was doing well and that I could do this!
Even though I had been told I was 3cm only 15mins earlier I knew I was in transition and it wasn’t long before I started to feel the baby’s head coming down. I went from 3-10cm in only 30mins and within 5mins I could feel my body push and her head started crowning. I could hear myself mooing and I down breathed her out. The head emerged and just a few surges later she was here! I could not believe I had done it using hypnobirthing and gas and air alone. I felt so elated and proud as I looked down and admired my tiny little girl who came out well and screaming.
Ivy Elizabeth born on 8th August weighing a tiny 4lbs 11oz. She is just perfect!

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