Birth story - Hannah and baby Penny
I decided to have a go at the hypnobirthing online course after becoming very anxious about going in labour with my second baby. My first labour two and half years ago was induced due to static growth. His growth issue was only picked up two days before my due date and I was induced the next day. Long story short the Induction didn't work my partner was sent home and I went to sleep on the ward ready to try again the next day. I woke up at 4am with strong surges and he was born 1 hour and 25 later. My husband only just made it back to the hospital to see him arrive. (40 weeks exactly and a diddy 5lb 4oz)
Not knowing if my speedy labour was down to the induction pessary (that I was told didn't work as my cervix couldn't even be felt it was so far round the back and closed) or if that's how it would have happened anyway was always a worry for me second time round. Would it be the same, quicker or completely different and last for days!!!
I needed something to help me focus and stay calm when the time came.
Growth scans this time round showed this baby was on course and we didn't need to be induced this time.
Due date came and went and I started to feel like I would just be pregnant forever. This baby didn't want out. Still sitting really high and never at any appointment was it engaged. Praying something would happen at a weekend so that my husband would be able to come (he runs his own company and if it was day time mid week there was a very high chance he wouldn't be able to make it)
Sunday night at 20:00 exactly sat cuddling my son on the sofa I felt my first surge!! I quickly put my son to bed and my husband rushed out to do the work he should have done Sunday morning!!! I called my sister who was to be my other birth partner (she watched all the videos and learnt so much too even after having two of her own children) and my mum who was to come and look after my son. The surges felt very mild nothing like the intense feeling last time so I told everyone not to rush and got myself in the shower.
That's when things changed. The surges were very irregular (anywhere from 8 mins to 2 mins apart) but growing much stronger very quickly. I had a panic. I was home alone with my son in full labour. But I pulled myself together and packed the last min stuff in my bag.
Then my mum and sister arrived. 10 mins later my husband and we were straight off to the hospital. Lucky it only 5 mins away. 3 surges in the car, one in the car park and one in the lift. Almost back to back by this point. I walked into the ward at 22:30 and saw HER, The lovely magical midwife who helped me through the birth of my son. We hugged, cried, and that was it, let's do this!
Straight into a delivery room. As soon as I sat down the surges changed and I was pushing. Quick exam I was 10 cm. Up breathing had got me all the way to 10 cm alone!! Baby still hadn't "dropped" and was back to back. I used some strong down breathing and pushing and we got that baby down. Gas and air helped me focus my breaths and 41 mins later she was born. It was so surreal.
3 hours and 21 mins of labour most of it and home and alone! If it wasn't for this course I'm sure it could have quite traumatic but I knew what was happening and I knew I was in control. I could feel what was happening and I knew the science behind it all. I cant believe that I was so uninformed before. Everyone needs to know about this course and I will be telling everyone I know about it!
I knew I could do it and I did! You've got this ladies you are stronger and more powerful than you know. Xx

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