Birth story - Lee-Ann and baby Shalev

Lee-Ann is a second time mum who has PPROM and had her baby at 34 weeks + 1 day. She had a turbulent time leading up to her birth and says, ‘without the skills I learned from the PBC; to breathe, to remain in green, to use our BRAIN, all to keep ourselves calm - I have no idea how I would have gotten through the crazy whirlwind of October 2022 and beyond.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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Birth story - Becca and baby Kit

Becca is a first time mum who conceived baby by IVF and birthed him in a pool at her local midwife led unit. She used hypnobirthing during labour and says, ‘I used my BRAIN and was able to make my own decisions that ultimately worked out for me and I'll always be forever grateful that I felt empowered to do that.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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