Birth story - Stacie and baby Cooper
Being pregnant in 2020/2021 during a global pandemic was extremely scary, Covid 19 was rife and there were stories about pregnant women catching it and passing away, so throughout my pregnancy I was so anxious about birth. I was imagining the worst cases possible not only that, I had previously had an awful birth.
When I had my first baby the birth was traumatic, painful and petrifying. I had a rapid birth and my son was born in less then 3 hours, I had a second degree tear that got infected, I haemorrhaged and I also suffered with post partum depression.
My friend who was also pregnant at the time knew how anxious I was and she recommended Hypnobirthing to me. I started reading the book and it wasn't long before it became my bible, I would highlight sections and jot notes in it. I soon became to understand why my first birth was so traumatic. I finished the book and felt like I could conquer the world, I was excited to meet my baby. I made my husband read my notes and my birth preferences.
I was in a lot of pain with SPD and Pelvic girdle, I was also strep B positive so my consultant thought it would be best to induce me. I made sure my birth preferences were given to every health professional that dealt with us. We were taken to the birth suite and I had 4 hours of antibiotics, whilst having the antibiotics my husband set up the room so I could feel more comfortable and relaxed, he put on my music playlist of my favourite songs, put on my little battery tea light candles, plugged in my lavender oil diffuser, dimmed the lights, we had some breakfast and I got into comfortable clothes, my waters were then popped at 9am.
I went for a little walk and then my surges started, I used the birthing ball and would bounce and sing in-between surges, Then I would breathe correctly until it passed. My husband kept telling me how amazing I was doing and with every surge he would say "we are closer to meeting our little boy." Him saying this made me excited and ready for the next one.
I asked my midwife to examine me and she did, I was 4cm and I decided to use the birthing pool, the warm water was heaven, I sat back and relaxed. I eventually asked for gas and air as I felt I needed just a little bit of relief, in between surges I would sleep propped up the side of the birthing pool. My husband would rub my arm, or kiss my head to tell me I was doing amazing. I was telling the midwife that it was time and the baby was coming, she thought I just needed the toilet, I did actually pass a movement in the pool but I knew it was time, my body was ready. I told her the baby was coming again, this time she checked and she was so surprised to see a head crowning.
I barely pushed, I let my body do the work and I breathed my baby out. I pulled him up through my legs and saw he had the cord around his neck! I was feeling like a superhuman at this point so I inserted two fingers under the chord and pulled it off his neck, I put him on my chest and rubbed his back until he cried. The sound was beautiful.
My birth was amazing, it was such a positive experience...actually a beautiful experience. 6 months later I still feel unstoppable, like superwoman I literally delivered my own baby. The only regret I have is not knowing about hypnobirthing with my first son, I know my labour and being a first time mum would have been a completely different story.

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