Jules's Story (Ghostwriter)

*Please note the names of our writers in this section have been changed to ensure their privacy*

A little back story - I have two beautiful girls of 1 and 3 years old. My now Husband and I had been together a short 2 months before we decided to start trying for a baby *shocked noise*. We both knew we would be together forever so had no regrets when we fell pregnant the first cycle.

My second child took us five months to conceive, we started trying when my eldest was 5 months old. This was because I knew that it doesn’t always happen as quickly as you want and I really wanted my children close in age. Low and behold, after five months of having sex nearly every single day of every month, in the hopes of falling pregnant, we finally get a positive!

I know you are probably thinking that I didn’t need to have sex every day of the month…and you’re right. I didn’t but at the time I was clueless! I knew a little about ovulation but I feel so silly for not knowing as much about trying to conceive as I do now. So, it wasn’t until after my second baby that I knew I wanted to try again but didn’t want it to take so long. It is so hard to take in when you see those negative pregnancy tests. I did some research and found out things I really should have known already, especially after having two children.

I read about the fertile week. My husband was sad to know we didn’t have to have sex as often, which did make me giggle! I read more into ovulation itself, I researched implantation and found out that only about 50% of fertilised eggs “stick” (don’t quote me on that statistic)!! I spent lots of money buying ovulation tests and downloading apps to help me track my periods and ovulation and I felt confident I would be pregnant in no time.

Fast forward five months and I still haven’t fallen pregnant. I am taking fertility supplements and so is my husband, prenatal vitamins and folic acid for myself and I have even gone to lengths of eating pineapple and its core each morning, as well as Brazil nuts to help aid implantation. I was very naïve to think it just ‘happens’, and even with some knowledge it doesn’t always happen straight away. I knew stress could play a massive part in struggles to conceive and it definitely correlates with trying for my second child, as I was planning a wedding in only three months. I also found out that it can take up to a year for a healthy couple to conceive, which definitely shocked me. The thought of waiting a year is daunting but with all the knowledge I am collecting I am hoping I can cope with the wait a lot better.

I am looking forward to trying The TTC pack. You can never have too much knowledge and I have my fingers crossed that I will be blessed with my third child very soon…

Written by Jules - Ghostwriter

*Please note the names of our writers in this section have been changed to ensure their privacy*

Are you at the beginning of your TTC journey? Looking for some expert-led educational sessions and a supportive community to be there for the questions you don’t want to ask?…..


Chloe's Story (Ghostwriter)