Birth story - Ellen and baby Isabel
*Trigger warning* - Failed induction. C-Section. Reduced movements. Reduced Growth. Gestational Diabetes
When I used to read these, I never imagined when it was my time to write our story, it would include the amount it does, I literally ticked every box apart from a vagina delivery… or at least it felt like that.
My pregnancy was a surprise, yes my partner and I have had a baby before our 1 year anniversary 🙈 both of us were ready to be parents, but due to my polycystic ovaries syndrome, the chances I was told to fall naturally were not good. But here we are 😂
Our pregnancy was really beautiful, some levels of sickness and constipation but apart from that I had it really easy. At my 26 week blood glucose check I was diagnosed with mild gestational diabetes. Throughout the rest of the pregnancy, it was maintained only through diet. I worked really hard and cut out most carbs and sugars. I was determined to not need any intervention so that’s why I was so strict on myself.
I was having regular scans (3 extra) due to the gestational diabetes and all scans showed a perfectly growing baby, the team never mentioned that baby was showing on the smaller size (25th centile) I only found that out afterwards but even so there was nothing too worry about and baby was perfect.
At 38 weeks I went in for my community midwife appointment and mentioned the fact that although I’ve been having movements, they seemed further apart, I assumed this was because baby was getting bigger so had less space to move. The midwife acted on the side of caution and sent me to the main hospital to be checked over.
Baby was fine on the monitors but due to the gestational diabetes it was advised I had a reassurance scan which I accepted the next day. The scan showed baby was now on the 19th centile so I was advised to go through to the antenatal ward and see one of the doctors, who advised an induction because of the GD plus the fact I had reduced movements. My heart told me to decline as it was the last thing I wanted, but I had to use my BRAIN and the moment he mentioned there could risk to baby and my placenta in the long term if I leave it, I just couldn’t take the risk.
So that Friday night after going home, having a shower, a McDonald’s and some positive talks with my partner and family I headed up to the hospital for the process to start. I was examined and I was 0cm dilated and my cervix was hard and far back, as expected. The pessary was inserted and I had to wait 24/7 till the next one. Did not hurt at all, slightly uncomfortable but no pain. During the next 24/7 I walked around the hospital loads, I was on the ball and drinking cups and cups of raspberry leaf tea. I also had Harry Potter and the American office on my phone to keep me relaxed.
I was then re assessed the next evening and I had made hardly any progress, my cervix was slightly softer but nothing to write home about. Another pessary was inserted and I repeated the same as above. When re assessed I again was only 1cm but my cervix was soft enough for the consultant to attempt breaking my waters which he did, after an hour of trying. Out of the whole labour, in my experience this was the only part I felt was uncomfortable and that was more due to the fact the midwife was pushing down on my tummy to help baby push down on my cervix for my waters to be broken. Which he did successfully. I had a sleep that night and hoped something would start, which it didn’t 😂 … you can see where this is going. They left me 6 hours then advised the drip which I accepted because at this point I just wanted to get it all over and done with now. I was day 3 in hospital at this point. I also accepted the mobile epidural simply because I was scared of the drip due to the others experiences with it.
At this point we had a 1-1 midwife with us and my birthing partners were with me. The epidural did not hurt AT ALL when being inserted, the cannular hurt more. But unfortunately mine did not work so I went 10 hours on the drip with a non working epidural; the only part of my body that was numb was my left foot 🤣 but with my up breathing I managed it beautifully. This part I’m really proud of myself because it was manageable which previously I thought was impossible and my body worked with my mind.
After being re examined it showed I was only 3cm and baby’s heart rate was dipping as the contractions got stronger. So after the whole induction process, failed pessary’s, drip and epidural, I threw the towel in. I never wanted to risk anything to my baby and quite frankly I had done my bit. So off to surgery we went, and all I can say is, my c section was the most beautiful experience. The staff were so supportive. We had our labour playlist on, and at 17:42 my beautiful girl Isabel was born to happy days from sister act. I couldn’t have wanted more, she came out screaming and looking around the room. Again if you are advised or choose to have a c section, there is nothing to be scared off, it was the most special experience of mine and my partners life. The spinal block again did not hurt and I was fully numb.
Yes, my labour literally couldn’t of gone more opposite to what I wanted, but without PBC I couldn’t have dealt with it all. And in the end; my girl was born safely into my arms. They never can prepare you for it, for me, the instant love was there and I felt very primal and protective of her. I couldn’t have done it without the up breathing and positive affirmations my partner and I went through. So regardless of whether it goes to plan, the PBC comes in and supports you. Wishing you all the best. You can do this, I promise it’s nothing you imagine it to be and it’s the most beautiful, natural and special moments of your lives.

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