Birth story - Zannetta and baby girl

*Possible Triggers*- the word contraction used, mention of blood loss and second degree tear.

On Sunday 11th April at 11pm, after a shower, I had some light spotting that was more of a mucus like consistency. As I was already 4 days past my due date with no signs of labour beginning, I got very excited and realised that finally something was happening! At 11.30 I started having what I thought could be contractions. Very manageable and coming between 10-12 minutes. My husband & I decided to try and get some sleep so we went up to bed.

I couldn’t sleep so I started timing my contractions from around 12.45am. I was using up breathing, not because I was in much discomfort, but just to get used to it and practise doing it. I decided to go downstairs because I just knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night. So my husband and I went down and tried to watch some Netflix. Shortly after, my husband fell asleep and I was half watching Brooklyn 99 for the laughs, reading my positive affirmations and bouncing on my birthing ball. By 3.45am the contractions were between every 6-8 minutes and I had emptied my bowels... a lot... on many occasions!

It got to 6.15am and I decided to call triage as contractions were now between 2 and 3 minutes apart. They said I was welcome to go in or I could wait at home for longer if I liked. We decided to wait at home as it was still bearable and I didn’t want to go in only to be sent back home and end up going back and fourth to the hospital (which ended up happening anyway!)

However, at 6.42 I called triage again and told them we’d be coming in. Looking back, I should have known I wouldn’t be that far along as it was still quite manageable. When I got there they told me I was only 1cm dilated. The midwife could tell I was disappointed and reminded me how much my body has already done to get to this point and told me to go home try to relax and she was sure she’d be seeing me again later that day. At first we didn’t want to go home so got some Costa coffee sandwiches from the hospital and walked around the car park a bit. But it was so so cold so we just decided to go home and I was able to labour at home until 1.30pm. I was using up breathing and the Freya app to get me through the contractions. I remained upright and kept walking and noticed that when I was sat down, the contractions would get further apart. So they were still quite inconsistent at this point. By 1.30 they were every 2-3 minutes again so we went back in.

After being examined I was told I was 1-2cm dilated I couldn’t believe it and was so disheartened again! They told me to go home and try and get some sleep as it could be hours still and even tomorrow. We got home at just before 3pm. I stayed downstairs for a little bit and continued to kneel on the sofa, holding the back of the sofa, for each contraction as I found this the best position for me. I went up to try and sleep, as instructed, and my husband lay down with me. Literally a few minutes after I lay down, at 3.45pm, I felt my waters break! I instantly needed to poo again and my husband helped me on to the toilet because at this point it all felt a bit more intense. The poor man was so shocked at everything that was coming out of me, we called triage (again) and told them and they told me to come straight in.

This was our third drive to the hospital and by far my most uncomfortable. The contractions felt more Intense and I couldn’t get into a UFO position so found them harder to handle but up breathing was helping. My waters also kept going with each contraction! Luckily I’d taken a pillow to sit on otherwise the car would be beyond repair! We parked up and again my waters kept going as I was walking through the car park to triage.

When I got in, they said I might have to go onto the labour ward first and then onto the birth centre when I was in ‘established labour’. I really didn’t want to do this and luckily there was space for me in the birth centre so we could go straight there. It was about 5pm when we got to our room and I asked for gas and air straight away. Wow- that first ‘dose’ was strong!! I instantly felt drunk and light headed. My husband put out our fairy lights and set up our music. There were two midwives looking after me at this point but the room was quite large and they stayed by a computer chatting amongst themselves and leaving us to it, which was nice and what I’d asked for.

With each contraction, I used the gas and air for part of it but also continued with my up breathing as I didn’t like the light headed feeling the gas and air was giving me. I continued to get bloody shows and the contractions really intensified but I was managing them well at this point. At around 7pm (I think) I was struggling quite a bit so the midwife examined me. She told me I only had 1cm to go! I couldn’t believe it! I got into the pool and, like I’ve read in so many other stories, there was instant relief. I mean, it was still intense but there was something soothing about being in the water.

At 8pm the two midwives who were with us said their shift was ending and introduced the two new midwives who’d be with me. I remember telling them not to go but the midwives who took over were amazing. They really encouraged me to listen to my body. I told them it felt like I need to push and they just kept telling me to do what felt right. There was no coaching to push or anything like that. Actually they didn’t tell me to push at all. I remember them checking with a mirror and torch and they told me that if I felt down below now I’d feel the babies head and hair! I didn’t do it though, the thought of what I’d feel scared me a bit to be honest!

I finally understand the mooing now it just happens and is completely involuntary, but when I heard myself making those noises I just knew baby would be here soon.

With some more gas and air, at 8.29pm I breathed my baby out into the water. I saw her head come out and then not even a second later, her body followed. I expected having to wait for another contraction before her body came out but it all happened so quickly! It was such a surreal and amazing moment. Just to see her there between my legs in the water. The midwives told me to bring her up to my chest but I literally had no energy and couldn’t move so they pulled her out and held her up for me to see, they unwrapped some umbilical cord from around her arm and put her on my chest. We had delayed cord clamping and then my husband cut the cord.

It was amazing. We stayed in the pool for a bit with her on my chest then my husband had some skin to skin whilst I was getting the placenta out. This was the first time I actually did any pushing!

I was then helped to the bed and examined and learnt I had a second degree tear and small graze, much to the midwives surprise as she said it was all so calm she wasn’t expecting a tear. I honestly didn’t feel it! I was offered gas and air for the injections (anaesthesia) and then didn’t feel a thing as she stitched me up.

I later learned I’d lost more blood than originally thought so I did end up staying two nights in the birth centre but we had our own room and my husband could visit from 9am-8pm so it wasn’t all bad and to be honest, it was nice to have that time with the midwives and nurses to be able to ask loads of questions and get more confident handling my baby!

All in all, there is NO WAY I would have stayed as calm as I did had I not done the Hypnobirthing digital pack so.. THANK YOU!

Ladies, you’ve got this! If I can do it, anyone can. Good luck to you all and get ready for the most empowering experience of your life.

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