Birth story - Ella and baby Oakley

I was referred to the home birth team by my community midwife around 35/36 weeks as I wasn’t aware home water births existed. Being quite a shy and nervous person in the first first place a hospital made me alot more nervous, the thought of being in the comfort of my own home made me feel at ease but I was concerned because it was my first. This is until I had my first home birth visit.

I started contractions on the 12th of July, around 4am, and rang the team for advice as I was unsure on how they were meant to feel with it being my first or what I should do next. The team told me exactly what to do and then a few hours later the contractions got worse so 2 ladies from the home team came out to check.

The pains were getting no worse and around afternoon they'd near enough gone and it wasn’t a nice feeling thinking it was a false alarm. I went on a walk and had food and they ramped up again with a trickle of waters. I went for a check at the hospital where they confirmed my waters had gone and I had a bloody show. I got home around 7 and then that's when things really got going. Midwives, Suzie and Emma, arrived and confirmed I was 2-3cm. The contractions went on and on and definitely were not getting any easier for me. 7am came and I got to 4cm and then had gas and air and got in my pool.

Unfortunately I couldn't take to the pool as I was overheating and felt uncomfortable so I got out and wondered round a bit more and eventually got into bed with my partner. The midwives left us alone to get through the contractions together and my amazing partner talked me through them helping me with breathing techniques and reassuring me I was doing amazing and reassuring me how we were going to meet our little boy very soon.

Finally, around 9:40am I felt the urge to start pushing, my energy was low but I knew, and my body knew, exactly what to do and how to do it. At 10:20 our gorgeous little boy was delivered in bed with my mum and partner by my side and that is when I knew I did not regret a thing about having a home birth and it was the best thing I had ever done!

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