Birth story - Tracey and baby Louise
Ok, so I've written this out so many times but never had the courage to post. I read all these amazing stories and I'm in awe of how amazing you all are. When I compared them to my birth I worried mine wouldn't be viewed as positive. That's the thing though, we shouldn't worry about comparing ourselves to other people and I was ecstatic about how my birth went, therefore I consider it very positive.
After a very uncertain and difficult pregnancy it was agreed that I'd be induced at 39 weeks. On arrival I was given the 24 hour pessery and despite my body obviously not being ready, it was thought that things should happen relatively quickly. They didn't! I began to get regular but manageable tightenings and I passed the time watching comedies on Netflix and walking around the hospital with my partner. I was assessed after 24 hours and very disappointed to have had no change despite the constant tightenings. I then had a 6 hour pessery. Within a couple of hours I was noticing a difference in the tightenings which were becoming closer together and more intense so I had some paracetamol which took the edge off.
As I approached the 6 hours I was really struggling with the constant tightenings, lack of sleep and how much I missed my other 3 children. I decided I needed something stronger to allow me to rest. When the midwife checked my progression I knew by her face it wasn't good news. I wasn't prepared for the fact that there had been no change at all! Due to this I wasn't able to have any stronger pain relief. This is the point where I started crying and couldn't stop! Luckily my partner was amazing and kept me focussed. It was agreed they would try to break my waters and I could have gas and air for this. They managed and it was a massive relief. Within 5 minutes I realised I was mooing! The midwife was telling me to stop pushing as I wasn't ready but thanks to this course I knew I was! After 15 minutes of pushing, my perfect baby girl was born. I had delayed cord clamping. 2 hours of skin to skin and she immediately latched on.
I am so grateful for this course, when it came down to it I barely remembered much but what I did remember pulled me back from upset and reminded me that I know my body. Massive thank you to everyone who shares their amazing stories and of course for the digital pack.

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