Birth story - Sarah and baby Joshua

Late on Thursday evening my waters broke. At first, I wasn’t sure if it was my waters. It’s wasn’t the big gush like in the movies, but rather a slow and inconsistent trickle.

I contacted the hospital and they told me to come in so they could run some tests. I had no contractions at this point, so after receiving the all clear I was told to go home and wait for the contractions to start. If they didn’t, I would be induced on Friday evening to minimise any risk of infection given the waters had broken.

We went home and by about 4am I could feel contractions starting up. I tried to sleep some more but by 6am they were more prominent.

Straight away I got my Freya app out and started timing them and using the up-breathing technique. By 8am I was getting 3 in 10 on contractions. The midwives said to stay at home for as long as I was comfortable without pain relief.

By the time it got to 11am things had intensified so I told my husband we should go to the hospital.

During the 30 mins journey, I put my headphones in and zoned into the Freya app and the mediation clips especially. This helped me hugely.

By the time we arrived at the hospital I was 8cm dilated already!! The midwives couldn’t believe it! For the last 2cm I opted for a bit of gas and air to get me through and within 2 hrs of arriving at the hospital our Joshua was born.


I can’t recommend the positive birth company digital pack, book and the Freya app enough. It truly empowered me and instilled a confidence within me that I could do this!

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