Birth story - Tara and baby Henry


So not at all what I originally had planned but a very positive experience that I felt it was important to share.

I had a very uncomplicated pregnancy and had planned a water birth with minimal pain medication, at a detached midwifery led unit. All was going to plan until 34 weeks when our midwife suspected Henry was breech.

After 2 weeks of waiting and trying some exercises from, the breech presentation was confirmed on a scan.

At 37 weeks, using my BRAIN, I agreed to have an ECV to try and turn the baby, having tried more exercises and a course of Moxibustion (acupuncture). In hindsight, this was very painful and distressing for me, and having since seen a cranial osteopathist, understand this might have been distressing for Henry too. However I had felt it was important to try everything. Henry didn’t budge so we booked in for an elective C-section at 39+5 weeks.

Again I used my BRAIN to consider all the options but felt there were too many risks with a vaginal birth as a 1st time mum, although I discussed this option thoroughly with my midwife who was very supportive and had delivered multiple vaginal breeches.

I spent the following weeks looking up positive c-section stories, talking to friends about their experiences and discussing my fears / worries with them. I re-watched the videos from the course and continued with regular meditation and listening to the birth affirmations - only now with a very different visualisation

We wrote a new positive birth plan including delayed cord clamping, skin to skin, delayed weighing and washing and background music 🎶

The day came and I used my up breathing to keep calm on the way to the hospital. We were 1st in so down to theatre around 9am after some checks. My birth partner stayed by my side (and on my side!).

I continued to use up breathing during the epidural and while they started the operation. Baby Henry was then welcomed into the world at 9.20am and the rest of the world disappeared as soon as I had him in skin to skin 💕 💖


The birth plan we wrote went out the window as Henry passed a big meconium poo and wee’d all over the surgeon and me while coming out. Because of this it was more important to get him out and my wound cleaned up. He was also taken for a rub down, rather than give me a baby covered in poo and wee. Apparently there was music but I didnt hear a thing as I was too distracted with what was going on.


We fed for the 1st time in recovery and spent the next 24 hours in skin to skin. We kept visitors to a minimum (and have continued this in the 1st week) and have continued skin to skin as much as possible eg only having Henry in a vest and me in a strappy top.

A lovely experience and a week later I am almost completely recovered - I’m able to move around freely but it’s a great excuse not to do housework for 6 weeks 😉 I have also made sure that I spent the 1st week doing nothing but cuddling and feeding my baby - visitors and trips out can wait!

Hope this helps for anyone who has to face an unexpected c-section. Don’t feel disappointed or disheartened as it can still be an empowering and beautiful journey. I’ve added some of the most helpful affirmations to the pictures


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