Birth story - Lucy and baby Rufus


Really excited to finally share my birth story! Although his actual birth was nothing like we planned, it was absolutely the best day ever and I wouldn't change a thing. It's a long one...

I have always been a massive birth geek and when we found out about our pregnancy I knew I wanted a completely natural home birth with a pools, candles, spa music - the lot. We also hired a doula who was amazing and I'd highly recommend doing this for additional support both pre and post baby.

On Monday 2nd September (39+5) we had brunch with our doula to run over some final details of the birth plan and we also saw our midwife for our 40week check. They both joked that they thought I would be in labour today, and spookily they were right! Around 45 minutes after our midwife appointment (3pm) we went to Asda - where my waters broke dramatically by the pot noodles 😂 we abandoned the trolley and never did get that pot noodle… it was actually like the movies! It's worth mentioning that I never had a bloody show or mucus plug.

After establishing that it was actually my waters and that they were clear, we went home to rest and knew we had 24 hours before they'd want to induce us. We ate a big dinner (thank god!) and went for a short walk. I was hoping to get some sleep but within 2 hours my surges were coming regularly - never more than 4 minutes apart. I had a bath and bounced on my ball as my husband stroked my hair and timed everything on the Freya app. I couldn't believe it was happening so fast!

At 8.30pm our doula arrived and we spent some time relaxing, chatting and setting up the TENS machine whilst my husband set up the pool in our living room. Things were becoming slightly more intense and I found I couldn't talk or focus on anything else during surges. I started to visualise things to get me through along with my up breathing and counting - for about 2 hours I kept telling my husband I was a dolphin swimming on the top of the waves, or I was in a hot air balloon racing through clouds 😂

At midnight I got into the pool - I was in denial at how far along things might be, but my doula thought it would be a good time and it felt lovely. After an hour or so in the water, one of our midwives arrived. I declined any vaginal examinations and given how steady and textbook my labour was proving to be she was happy with this.

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At around 3am I got out of the water and my doula asked me to walk up and down stairs, sway/slow dance with my husband and generally be a bit more active. This was my favourite moment as I tried gas and air for the first time (I loved it!) And had the most incredible kiss and dance with my husband to Miley Cyrus. It was magical.

Things startes getting really intense and the midwife kept asking me to reach down and see if I could feel baby's head. I was mooing and grunting and I think everyone suspected I was pushing - but I couldn't feel anything at all.

By this point it was around 7am and labour had been established for 13 hours - I was showing every sign of being ready to birth my baby but nothing was happening. The surges were now so intense I was beginning to struggle with just gas and air and really wanted to know what was going on. Luckily this coincided with our midwife shift change and Emma arrived - our guardian angel! Despite not wanting any cervical checks initially I decided that I needed to have the information about my progress in order to mentally focus on turning my surges into power. If I was 10cm and ready to push then fantastic - and if not I was ready to discuss more pain relief.

Emma gave me a quick examination and calmly but confidently informed us that I was 8-9cm dilated but that baby was breech! The bottom was also very high up and not pressing down on my cervix enough to make natural breech delivery likely. Even though this sounds scary it was so calm and in the moment we used BRAIN and I requested a transfer to the hospital to have a caesarian (or natural breech if baby had moved down). The ambulance arrived quickly and transfer took around 30 mins which was tough but I had gas and air on tap!

We arrived at hospital around 10am. A quick scan showed baby was definitely breech - the hardest part of my labour was this hour whilst we waited for the surgeon and anaesthetist to be available. But once they were, I was checked again (still 8-9cm and baby high up) and prepped for a caesarian. In theatre, my husband and I popped on my favourite music (cinematic orchestra) and used some breathing techniques to both keep calm, but before we were even finished the surgeon announced 'your baby is born!'


We didn't know the sex so it was a complete thrill when my husband announced we had a little boy. It was an incredible experience and everyone we met was wonderful, in particular our surgeon. Just over 24 hours later we were home with our baby - we couldn't believe it!

Lots of people have asked whether we are angry or upset that several midwives missed the fact that Rufus was breech, and the answer is no, I'm incredibly glad they missed it. Had we known his position, we would have been booked in for a planned section and I wouldn't have got to experience labour like I did. I got to 9cm on my own with gas and air, at home in beautiful calm surroundings with the people (and pets!) I love. It was utterly magic. We just needed a little helping hand at the end! I truly feel like I still got my dream home birth.


I hope this helps people who might be nervous about home birth and transfer (it was a big fear for me). It was so positive! Everyone was lovely and we were so calm thanks to a combo of the breathing techniques we learned but also just knowing the process my body was going through and how to best support each other.

Recovery is going well and we are adjusting to life with a small human! ❤️

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