Birth story - Soraia and baby Lena
⚠ Possible triggers: use of word contraction, bit of a blood loss, momentarily loss of control
It was quite straightforward and low risk. Only setback were Covid, insomnia and restless legs.
I'd discovered the amazing hypnobirthing course through yoga and these 2 together made my mind become positive and excited about birth. I was always part of those who thought it would be an unpleasant experience, how wrong I was!
Everything went in the opposite direction to my envisioned birth. I was hoping for a water birth with minimal intervention. Although, I always tried not to get attached to only this and kept an open mind of any outcome.
It all started with due date coming and going so I accepted a sweep at 40+5 and then another one a couple of days later, which did nothing to my body.
After talking with midwife, I accepted being induced at 40+10 and she was convinced I would only need waters breaking and all would unfold naturally.
Induction day arrived and received a phone call from hospital that they were very busy and asked if I didn't mind going to another hospital. This set me back as I wouldn't be close to the MLU and saw my water birth fading away.
My partner made sure to calm me and reassure me, which worked once I found out that I could have a room with a birthing pool!
We arrived at the hospital at 3 PM but were not seen until 6 PM to be told I was only 1 cm dilated. I had the balloon inserted to help me dilate to enable them to break my waters, to ensure a natural birth.
It stayed in for just over 12 hours, I was having contractions as my partner went home, so we were on video call as he helped me be ‘in the zone’ and not feel alone.
I was able to dose off and by the morning contractions had disappeared 🙈 I was then examined and I was 2cms dilated so got sent to labour ward to my own private room where my partner joined and never left till the end.
Fast forward, things were slow even after my waters being broken and the midwife was concerned as I bled. I then agreed to have the syntoncin drip so started using up breathing and put Freya app on. I used the tens machine and gas & air and kept mobile and UFO despite being hooked to a monitor all the time. My midwife put some essential oils on. 8 hours after and I was only 4 cms. I requested pethidine and this was when I lost control, as my body was fully relaxed but I was experiencing really intense contractions very close together. I then fought it effects and went back to UFO. My partner was incredible and he was pulling me back to the zone.
A final VE and after 12 hours, I was still 4cms so a decision was made to have a c-section as I wasn't progressing even though the drip was at its maximum.
Everything was explained to me, I was really trying to remain in control using up breathing and was taken to theatre. All the team were fantastic and in such a good mood. My partner always recalls my smile the entire time. My attitude completely changed after those 2 hours as I knew that I would be meeting my baby so soon.
I was given a spinal block after having 3 contractions and what a god send it was. In 15 minutes I could hear my baby crying and she had to be examined as there was meconium in the waters. Next thing I know my partner had her in his arms and I fell instantly in love with her.
In recovery I was shivering but as soon as I had my baby on my skin it stopped. She latched straight away and fed for 1.5 hours! I was over the moon.
Although all went south and not to ‘plan’, I had such amazing support from midwife and all the team and felt informed and in control the whole time.
Ladies, having an abdominal birth is as empowering as a vaginal birth. It's all about your mindset and birthing your baby safely. For all you ladies still waiting, you totally got this ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for shifting my mind set to allow me to be calm and truly enjoy the birth of my baby girl! I would do it all over again this minute!
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