Birth story - Shanaka and baby Jakaiah


I believe that it was the hypnobirthing course that helped get me prepared and have the fast labour that I wanted! I was calm during most of the process and handled myself pretty well. I know that if I can do it, anyone can do it! Sending many thanks to PBC with helping me to have this positive experience.


I had been having contractions on and off for a few days before Jakaiah was born, I went to see my midwife on the 30th of May and found out I was already 1cm dilated and was able to have a stretch and sweep. For the next few days I continued to have contractions on and off. On the 3rd of June my mucous plug had come out that morning. I went on with my day as normal and didn’t have contractions till late at night around 11pm. As the hours went by they started to feel more intense so I decided to jump in the bath to help me manage them, this would have been around 1pm. My contractions were irregular so we didn’t know I was in active labour, I could feel the contractions in my lower stomach and expected them to be more intense so I thought they were probably Braxton Hicks contractions. Jahdei (dad) helped all night making sure the bath was the right temperature but we were both falling asleep as it was getting late. I used the Freya app to help keep me focused throughout the whole process, it really helped me a lot!

At around 4am we called my midwife to let her know that I was having contractions and to see what we should do, my contractions were irregular so she advised us to have a sleep as labour’s usually take hours. An hour goes by and I tell Jahdei to call the midwife again as the contractions start to become hard to handle (turns out I was going into transition at this point). I was pushing to go to the hospital because my midwife still thought I was in early labour, my contractions were irregular and she listened to me on the phone while I was having them and thought I was handling my contractions too well to be in established labour but said she would come around and check how far I am before going to the hospital. She arrived about 30 minutes later and tries to check me while I was in the bath but was unable to do so, so asked if I lie down on my bed in the room to check me.

As soon as I stood up, I got a contraction and let out the biggest pushing noise. The midwife noticed I was much further along than she thought, I slowly made my way to the bed and was really hesitant to lie down as I knew I wanted to be in an upright position but I laid down so she could check me and to her surprise she could feel babies head right there.

I was planning to have a natural water birth at the birthing unit but knew I wouldn’t make it there so they called the ambulance and started laying down towels and rubbish bags on the bed under me. My midwife was blocking my waters from leaking everywhere, as soon as she took her hand out they broke. With the next contraction I was still making pushing noises so my midwife told me to start pushing as hard as I can like I’m doing a poo and to hold my breath while doing it. After 1 push I was asking someone to call my parents as I didn’t want them to miss out on baby’s birth. Jahdei was holding my hand and recording the birth with the other. My midwife was telling me to slow down because baby was coming out too fast, within the next 2 pushes my baby was born at 6.06am, 4th of June 2019. I was so shocked after he was born he came out so fast! He let out one big scream when he was born and after that he just laid on my chest looking around.


We delayed cutting the cord for a few minutes and Jahdei got to cut it. My parents and the ambulance just missed the birth and got there 5 minutes later.


I was given the injection in my leg to help my placenta come out and it came out by itself at 6.48am in the ambulance just as we were leaving Jahdeis house. Once we made it to the hospital baby was checked and weighed, he was 6lb 10oz. I got given the gas while I was being sutured as I couldn’t relax my body when they were doing it. I only had two small tears which is pretty good!


I definitely recommend the course and app to everyone. Jakaiah is 5 weeks old now and is growing good and healthy!

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