Birth story - Billie and baby Elowyn

I purchased the positive birth company hypnobirthing book when I was 28 weeks and it changed my mind set on labour completely! I had a previous traumatic birth with my first daughter so I was willing to try anything to make this one better.

From reading the tools in the book, it gave me the confidence to know what I was able to do and what I wanted and I wasn't going to be scared into doing or agreeing to something I didn't want to do with the birth of my baby. I knew I wanted: minimal intervention in my MLU with a water birth and to not poo myself (obviously I knew the last one wasn't a given but I thought if all that happened I'd have the best birth ever)

Anyways, I was 12 days over with this baby but I knew I didn't want an induction and I knew this was the conversation I was going to have to have at my next appointment. I agreed to a sweep at 7 days over so they didn't put the paperwork in for an induction that day. Obviously, that didn't work and I had my next appointment. I put my foot down with the first midwife and said I really didn't want the induction, I didn't feel, for me, it was necessary as my baby was healthy and I was fine so why rush? My baby will be born when she's ready.

I saw another midwife at 12 days over who was an absolute angel and she offered me a second sweep and she told me I was 2cm and she could feel how low her head was and my waters were bulging around her head. She had a good rummage up there 'twice for good luck'. She thought I would go into labour early hours of the next morning and when my waters break her head would follow instantly.

I went home feeling hopeful that she was right as I knew they would keep pushing for that induction and I was told if by day 14 over she wasn't on her way I would definitely have to be induced. 4 hours later the surges started, I was so happy! I immediately used the Freya app to time the surges, they were mild and quite far apart but I knew that would change. I helped my mum gardening and I picked up my daughter from nursery, had some dinner and things ramped up a bit more throughout the evening. My mum took my daughter for the night as we were sure this was it.

I didn't want to get into the MLU early so I kept putting off calling the hotline as I was handling my surges well with the up breathing. My partner was panicking the whole time begging me to call the midwives as the app said I was in established labour. I told him we could watch a film and then I would call if I couldn't talk through the surges. So, I picked Hamilton.. If you've seen it you know it's long show and has a banging soundtrack so I knew it would keep the oxytocin flowing. My partner was very on edge but so supportive, massaging me and helping me count the breaths in time with the app. I held on till 4.30am (I had surges since 10am the previous day) and I thought okay, I'll call. I did and they told me that I sounded like I was coping so to call back if it changes as the second babies come quickly. My poor partner at this time was sweating thinking I'll have the baby at home. I sat on the toilet for a while in the UFO position, this was the most comfortable.

The surges came on really, really strong half an hour after. I called back and the midwife met me at the unit. When I got there she examined me and I was 6cm, I could stay and because of covid regulations my partner could now stay as well. The room was already ready for me when I got there fairy lights, music and bath ready. It was bliss. My partner calmed down a bit at this point. I had a little gas and air in the pool but it made me feel a bit sick and I wanted to concentrate on my up breathing. The midwives barely spoke to me and only came in the room to check her heart beat. It was everything I wanted, undisturbed and peaceful. I laboured for another 4 hours and I was fully dilated but my baby wasn't coming down enough. The midwives were worrying a little bit but said I could stay in the pool for a while longer but they might have to break my waters soon. I was so exhausted as I hadn't slept in 24 hours so my surges were slowing down. I could feel a lot of pressure build and suddenly a massive pop in the water. They'd finally broken, but then I felt the change happen and I immediately switched to down breathing and I felt her coming out. The angel midwife was completely right, waters broke, head was crowning.

Unfortunately, my baby's heart rate dropped a lot, so they asked me to get out to start pushing on the bed. I had 3 midwives cheering me on, they had called an ambulance because they said if she didn't come in the next 5 minutes they'd have to blue light me to the main hospital. Now, this is what happened with my first and I was adamant this was not happening to me or the baby again. So I pushed with everything I had and her head came out and then her body, along with her first poo, it was not a pretty site all over the floor and the bed. My poor partner looking terrified next to me, but he was amazing he never left my side he held me in all sorts of weird positions in the pool to help me with my surges he got soaked in the process. They placed her on me but she wasn't breathing so I didn't get delayed cord clamping or instant skin to skin. They took her away quickly to get her to breathe. My body went into a bit of shock and I had uncontrollable tremors and lost a lot of blood so I couldn't hold my baby. I had the injection to get the after birth out but I barely felt that part happen. My partner got the first skin to skin but it was the most amazing feeling seeing an instant bond with them and that he was looking after her so I could be looked after. We named her Elowyn, middle name Valerie after his Nan.


When I stopped shaking I got my baby and she latched perfectly. I had some grazes but no tearing. They told me I could leave when I felt ready to. They didn't rush to do her observations or weighing they said when she's finished feeding they'll do all that. So we had tea and I washed. I had to do a wee and fill out some forms. I was in the MLU for about 5 hours after having her that morning and I could go home to my own bed and my older daughter was besotted with her new baby sister. It was amazing. I got everything I wanted, I didn't get to have her in the pool but it was close enough and the best part, I didn't poo myself! Or if I did my partner promised on his life, he would never tell me.

I can't thank the positive birthing company enough for giving me the confidence to follow through with what I wanted and make sure I was heard and with the techniques to help me get through the first part of labour. I had no pain relief (only option was pethidine at MLU and you can't be in the water if you have it) and I honestly believe if I didn't read this book I wouldn't have coped with the long labour.

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