Birth story - Ella and baby Gracie

My first birth was really traumatic (2hrs of coached pushing when I wasn’t ready, episiotomy & ventouse delivery) and I think it played a large part in me having PND for the first year of my daughter’s life. I really wanted to do everything I could to make things feel different this time so I practised hypnobirthing from really early in my pregnancy. I read ‘Practical Ways to Make Your Birth Better,’ joined the online classes and watched all the YouTube videos as well as using the Freya app affirmations to relax at night. Due to the covid restrictions on birth partners we decided to have a home birth and I was all set up for it and waiting.

Unfortunately, baby was 12 days late and I agreed to be induced in hospital. I was so nervous but managed to keep myself calm by remembering the affirmations to distract myself whenever I felt scared or tearful. Whilst being observed there was talk of sending me for a caesarean because the midwives thought my baby was too small to be able to cope with labour, and I was having very mild contractions already that were causing her heart rate to dip. I asked to be observed for longer and lay on my left side and baby’s heart rate was normal, so they induced me with a pessary at 9.30am.

I was moved to a ward and expected to be there until the next day so set myself up with films and snacks. I started having to time my contractions with the Freya app pretty quickly and it wasn’t long before I couldn’t get through them without the app helping me to breathe through it. Every time I lost the rhythm of my breathing the app helped me to get it back and I used it in place of my birth partner for most of the day (he is usually the one counting down my breathing). I reached a point where I felt I couldn’t cope with the pain anymore and asked to be examined but the doctor smirked and said I “had a long way to go yet”. I managed to convince a midwife to examine me a few hours later and we were both shocked that I’d reached 8cm dilated already, all by myself! I had to phone my partner to come in quickly and was moved to the labour ward.

Once I was there I used gas and air with my breathing and made sure I was in a UFO position, my partner massaged my lower back and kept my mind focused through the transition phase (which I recognised through my hypnobirthing practise) and after 7 mins (compared to over 2 hours in previous birth!!) of pushing, Gracie Eden was born at 8.57pm on 5th December, which was also my birthday!


She was also 8lb 4oz so I’m so glad I didn’t go for the caesarean as she might have been “too small”. There’s no way I would’ve gotten through my labour on my own without the Freya app and I felt in control and able to make my own decisions because I was informed and knew what I was doing. I’m so happy I finally got that moment of holding my baby after birth and feeling that instant happiness and love.. thank you PBC!

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