Birth story - Ruby and baby girl

I found hypnobirthing after a midwife suggested it at my 20 week check. My first birth was a bit traumatic (induction, epidural, episiotomy, PPH and a stay in hospital) and looking back I wish I'd discovered hypnobirthing sooner as things probably would have gone differently!

Due to the pandemic I used the digital pack and started it around 28 weeks with my husband. It was so easy to use, and we'd watch a video or 2 most evenings. I started reading stories on here, and found it really useful to hear real life experiences.

I was expecting baby to be "late", but was secretly hoping she would arrive "on time" as I really wanted to meet her! The day before her due date I made an effort to relax as much as possible. I sat on my ball most of the evening and watched my favourite movie with my family. It turned into a late one and I went to sleep around half 1. About half 3 I woke with pain which I thought was just trapped wind, so tossed and turned in bed until 5am, when I realised the pains were regular contractions!

I went downstairs, put on the Christmas tree lights, lit a scented candle and put on my favourite playlist. I used my upbreathing even though the contractions were totally manageable, as I thought it would be good practice for later when they got stronger.

By half 8 I was a little uncomfortable so had a hot shower which helped. I found it easier to lean forwards against a wall/the stairs and sway through them at this point. (Later found out baby was back to back which explains the positions I liked).

It got to half 10 and the Freya app told me I was now in established labour, so we called the hospital as I wanted to give birth in the midwife led unit attached to it. The journey was probably the toughest bit mentally as I couldn’t stand up or move through the contractions but I focused on my breathing and listened to my favourite songs to get through it.

A midwife examined me at the unit, as I wanted to get into the pool. She told me I was 8cm, and that she would start to prepare the pool but I might not make it in! I was so happy that I had made it this far at home!

About 15 minutes later I had a wobble and went into the red zone, but my husband talked me down and refocused me on my breathing (transition!). At this point I used the gas and air. I didn't really find it great for pain, but was really good at helping me focus on my upbreathing. I was most comfortable on all 4s on the floor, and the midwives were great and let me just do what I wanted.

My waters went within the next 10 minutes and my body just took over, pushing with every surge. Strangely they weren't painful at all, just immense pressure. The ring of fire is true, but lasted literally a second and before I knew it my baby was here! She hardly cried, and the midwives said it was probably due to us being so calm. We had delayed cord clamping, the golden hour, no stitches (!) and were home the same day.

To everyone who is feeling some anxiety towards childbirth: focus on your breathing and trust your body, it was made for this!


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